Douro Wine Shops Ltd
Alcohol - Wine
Write for free booklet "Man and his Wine" - Douro Wine Shops Ltd, Walton-Le-Dale Winery, Preston.
Views: 9,794 Year: 1957
Henkell Trocken
Alcohol - Wine
Henkell Trocken - The finest sparkling Hock - Available from your usual wine merchants 23/6 per bottle.
Views: 13,036 Year: 1957
Imperial Bounty
Alcohol - Wine
Two's Company... Three's a Party! When one's a bottle of Imperial Bounty.
Views: 9,965 Year: 1956
Alcohol - Wine
Tonight's the night for Rosayne - The exhilarating pink wine with the exciting champagne sparkle! Rosayne is pressed from Mediterranean grapes and its pink colour and sparkle come from them alone...
Views: 9,438 Year: 1954
VP Wine
Alcohol - Wine
Normal Service will be resumed as soon as possible - time for a glass of VP Wine. Why not have a bottle of VP Wine and some glasses alongside the T/V set, so that it is handy whenever there is a pause in the programme...
Views: 16,672 Year: 1954
Alcohol - Wine
A glow in every glass. Damson cream, late night final, two star attractions from the popular range of Maldano Wine Cocktails.
Views: 7,838 Year: 1951 1 Comment
Big Tree Burgundy
Alcohol - Wine
For extra goodness and extra value there's nothing like Big Tree Burgundy. Big Tree Empire Burgundy puts new life into you and helps you to ward off winter ills and chills...
Views: 8,108 Year: 1950
VP Wine
Alcohol - Wine
Take your pick from the pick of the vine. VP Wine - Point Brand.
Views: 8,043 Year: 1950 1 Comment
Whiteway's British Wines
Alcohol - Wine
The White-Way to beat the Black Market. Our British wines are still sold at the very economical price of 6/- per bottle and represent the best value in wine obtainable today. They are of full alcoholic strength and the name "WHITEWAY" on a label has been a guarantee of purity and quality for over 50 years.
Views: 9,064 Year: 1947 4 Comments