Fashion & Clothing
Fashion & Clothing - Wool, Knitting
Hello! They're talking about me. They couldn't possibly talk about anything better. "New? My dear, I knitted it in the year dot: been washed dozens of times and still fits me perfectly..."
Views: 6,833 Year: 1952
Fashion & Clothing - Wool, Knitting
no woman worth her salt will look at any wool but the best... and the best wool is Lavenda, It keeps its lovely softness and colour through endless wear and endless tubbings. Lavenda-knitted woollies always look new and gay whatever their age.
Views: 6,692 Year: 1951
Sirdar Leaflet 1082
Fashion & Clothing - Wool, Knitting
Lady's Jumper in Sirdar Super Shetland Wool 3-ply or Sirdar Kasha Wool 3-ply, long or short sleeves. Price 3d. from Stores and Woolshops or 4d. post free.
Views: 7,562 Year: 1946
Sirdar Wools
Fashion & Clothing - Wool, Knitting
I'm the Sirdar Hank of very high Rank. Shades are smooth and texture too. Sirdar's just the wool for you! BUT unfortunately you may not always find it easy to obtain Sirdar Wools. Nevertheless, if at first you don't succeed we can assure you it is worth while to try, try, try again!
Views: 7,422 Year: 1944