Tanzaro Fruit Squashes
Food - Soft Drinks
Thirsts go for Tanzar. Tanzaro Fruit Squashes and J&B Table Waters.
Views: 26,955 Year: 1959
Tanzaro Fruit Squashes
Food - Soft Drinks
Thirsts love Tanzaro Fruit Squashes and J&B Table Waters. Jewsbury & Brown Ltd, Ardwick Green, Manchester.
Views: 13,034 Year: 1959 1 Comment
Food - Soft Drinks
To the benefit of all parties - Gold Cup Jaffajuce sweetened orange - it's 80% Real Orange Juice sweetened with pure sugar.
Views: 9,416 Year: 1954 2 Comments
Rose's Lime Juice
Food - Soft Drinks
What the overheated should know about lime juice. Lime Juice is the pure juice of the world's most refreshing tropical fruit. No thirst on earth can resist its quenching powers. No mere British heatwave can get you down when lime juice is close at hand. Rose's Lime Juice makes thirst worth while.
Views: 9,007 Year: 1954
Rose's Lime Juice
Food - Soft Drinks
What Sun-worshippers know about lime juice. Lime Juice is the pure juice of the world's most refreshing tropical fruit. It not only draws the most obstinate thirst, it puts back the only good thing the sun takes out of you - pep...
Views: 8,143 Year: 1954
Lucozade the Sparkling Glucose Drink
Food - Soft Drinks
Refreshes and sustains. When you are tired and need a break from housework, when you feel like relaxing and 'putting your feet up' - then is the time for a glass of delicious, refreshing Lucozade. Lucozade contains Glucose, that great energiser and sustainer... Lucozade - Invaluable in Sickness and in Health.
Views: 13,472 Year: 1953
Robinson's Barley
Food - Soft Drinks
'Here's Health!' Says Old Hethers. See the shelf under the umpire's seat? There is usually a bottle of Robinson's Barley Water there; for this cool, smooth drink is much favoured at Wimbledon, both during the rigours of training and in the hotly contested matches. There's no pleasanter way of quenching a sporting thirst.
Views: 9,825 Year: 1953
Food - Soft Drinks
Hitters and Knitters all agree "Quosh - that's better!" You're always on a good wicket with Quosh - it's the most luscious thirst quencher. Real fruit juices go into Quosh. That's why it's so good! Six delicious flavours to choose from...
Views: 8,622 Year: 1953
Food - Soft Drinks
Boaters and Floaters all agree "Quosh - that's better!" These days everyone who is 'in the swim' asks for Quosh - because Quosh is far and away the most luscious thirst quencher. Real fruit juices go into Quosh...
Views: 8,073 Year: 1953
Food - Soft Drinks
Too good for words - Britvic Pure Fruit Juices - Orange, Grapefruit, Tomato and Pineapple Juice. Tomato Juice Cocktails and Gold - the pure fruit Juice cocktail...
Views: 10,051 Year: 1953
Food - Soft Drinks
Mother, are you too tired to care? Not yet noon - a heap to do - and not feeling a bit like doing it? It may be, Mother, that you need Ribena, as well as the children...
Views: 11,278 Year: 1952
Rose's Lime Juice
Food - Soft Drinks
"I fear that at the present rate of progress a housing crisis may shortly hit the poultry world. As my old Woodwork Master used to say, the boy is as keen as a spoke-shave but no craftsman... Hawkins! Off with your jacket! Bring me a tank or so of Rose's and prepare to take over the hammer!" - Rose's Lime Juice makes thirst worth while.
Views: 8,189 Year: 1952
Robinson's Barley Water
Food - Soft Drinks
This'll revive you says Old Hethers - Feeling a bit warm Sir? Sit you down and I'll mix you a nice long glass of Robinson's Barley Water. Nothing like it to shift a stubborn thirst...
Views: 9,435 Year: 1952
Food - Soft Drinks
"Mummy, Daddy's drinking my Cydrax!" - "Don't be greedy, Dear... there are 5 big glasses in the bottle" - "He's still drinking it..." - That's because he likes it so much! Doubtless the clean, clear, thirst-quenching apples has something to do with its zestful reception...
Views: 9,346 Year: 1952
Food - Soft Drinks
Does your son sleep on his way to work? Worried about the lad these days? Not so full of pep as he should be? Give him Ribena, purest blackcurrant juice, rich source of natural Vitamin C...
Views: 9,230 Year: 1952
Food - Soft Drinks
"Here, Daddy - I thought the Cydrax was for us!" - "That's right dear - for all of us!..." - "...but YOU keep drinking it!" Doubtless the clean, clear, thirst-quenching tang of those famous Devonshire apples has something to do with its zestful reception...
Views: 9,377 Year: 1952
Food - Soft Drinks
a little Solo goes a long way. Solo means more Real Orange Juice. 3/6 per bottle. Ask also for Solo "Number One" Marmalade.
Views: 7,780 Year: 1952 1 Comment
Robinson's Barley
Food - Soft Drinks
Before you say Squash say Robinson's - Robinson's Squashes - Orange or Lemon. Made by Robinson's of Barley Water fame.
Views: 8,408 Year: 1952
Food - Soft Drinks
"Quosh, that's better!" - "One swallow may not make a summer" said Jennifer, setting down her once-more empty glass, "but several swallows of Quosh make my summer for me." Pack a bottle of any one of the five delicious flavours in your beach bag or picnic basket this holiday...
Views: 8,058 Year: 1952
Food - Soft Drinks
Danger months guard against colds and 'flu. Now is the danger time for colds and 'flu. Infection most often takes place when you are suffering from fatigue...
Views: 3,187 Year: 1952
Lucozade the Sparkling Glucose Drink
Food - Soft Drinks
When seasonal ills and ailments make big inroads on the body's supply of energy, Lucozade comes to your aid by providing glucose - one of the best of all energy foods - in a sparkling delicious drink...
Views: 10,962 Year: 1951
Food - Soft Drinks
Now, take this glass if you want to, taste all the orange squashes on the market, with or without gin... you'll find there's only one that gives you Schwepperfection (that's a secret between Schweppes and ripe golden oranges).
Views: 8,023 Year: 1951
Lucozade the Sparkling Glucose Drink
Food - Soft Drinks
Lucozade supplies the tired system with Glucose. Give the children Lucozade - the sparkling glucose drink. It quickly puts back lost vitality, helps calm edgy nerves and gently stimulates the appetite. And you'll enjoy a glass yourself too.
Views: 11,928 Year: 1951 1 Comment
Food - Soft Drinks
"and what this nation needs... is extra energy for more production! You'll be fighting fit if you take Ribena daily. Lovely, sweet blackcurrant juice, it keeps you full of go." Blackcurrant juice is three times as rich in natural Vitamin C as orange juice...
Views: 10,232 Year: 1951