Hair Care
Mason Pearson
Hair Care - Curlers, Dryers, Nets
More than a Christmas gift. You give more than a famous hairbrush when you make a Mason Pearson your Christmas gift. You pay a graceful compliment to the good taste of both yourself and the recipient...
Views: 11,137 Year: 1958
Maison Georges
Hair Care - Curlers, Dryers, Nets
"La Naturelle" Permanent Waving Postiche - Re-styling : Hair Colouring. Maison Georges, 40, Buckingham Palace Road, London.
Views: 9,886 Year: 1958
Amami Wave Set
Hair Care - Curlers, Dryers, Nets
Neat in the kitchen... Nice to come home to with quick-setting Amami Wave Set. What's the secret of this round-the-clock grooming? The quick-setting magic of Amami Wave Set! Clever wives, wise to their husbands' admiration, give themselves a regular quick-set with Amami Wave Set... Try a little Amami Magic tonight!
Views: 11,991 Year: 1953
Hair Care - Curlers, Dryers, Nets
New Trouble-Free home perm has instant nation-wide success - No neutralizer needed - thats's the secret - Prom perms perfectly in one easy operation...
Views: 8,903 Year: 1952
Richard Hudnut
Hair Care - Curlers, Dryers, Nets
Only Richard Hudnut guarantees a more natural, more permanent, home wave. And for very good reasons too! Only Richard Hudnut has such a gentle, yet effective Creme Waving Lotion...
Views: 8,677 Year: 1952
Hinde's Hair Brushes
Hair Care - Curlers, Dryers, Nets
The most acceptable of all gifts... Hinde's Hair Brushes - Pure Bristle, Rubber-Cushioned. For the gift of the year - give a Hindes Bristle Brush. Hair health and beauty demands the tonic exercise that only bristle can give...
Views: 9,498 Year: 1950
Amami Wave Set
Hair Care - Curlers, Dryers, Nets
Set to Style - in a few minutes... With a few drops of non-sticky, quick-drying Amami Wave Set you can set waves and curls in any style you please. It's so easy! If your hair is of "ordinary" texture use Amami Green Wave Set...
Views: 10,988 Year: 1948 4 Comments
Halo Sleeping Helmet
Hair Care - Curlers, Dryers, Nets
Designed to save you 15 minutes a day hairdressing. It fits on without untidying your hair, stays on all night. "Time to speak to you? ...yes, of course ...I bought a 'Halo' P.3 ...never got up with my hair so tidy before! Stay put...
Views: 7,181 Year: 1939
Halo Hair Nets
Hair Care - Curlers, Dryers, Nets
Penelope Parkes praises 'Halo' Hair Nets. The number to remember she says is 774. Made of art. silk net to fit over waves and curls without crushing them. So comfortable to wear, too...
Views: 6,823 Year: 1937
Eugene Weaver
Hair Care - Curlers, Dryers, Nets
'Curls or Waves... eugene... is best' ...but be sure you go to a Registered Eugene Weaver who alone can give you a genuine Eugene Wave, using genuine Eugene Sachets. Specimen satchet and booklet FREE...
Views: 7,200 Year: 1936
Lady Diana Curler
Hair Care - Curlers, Dryers, Nets
The latest curls need the latest curler - Lady Diana Self-Heating Curler - Glossy, fashionable curls or waves are the result of a few minutes' work by yourself. The lady diana curler is self-heating, amazingly simple to use and can be carried in your handbag. You cannot afford to be without one...
Views: 7,007 Year: 1933 1 Comment
Hinde's Hair Curlers
Hair Care - Curlers, Dryers, Nets
Used without heat. Nearly every woman finds She's prettier still by using Hinde's...
Views: 8,467 Year: 1897