S. Noton Ltd.
Holidays - Luggage
Introducing the Compact Case - The Compact Case is Noton's brilliant new development of the Train Case...
Views: 9,255 Year: 1954
Holidays - Luggage
...ask for Antler and get these extra features. Exclusive Patent Cushiongrip hanlde. Concealed umbrella holder. Better locks and finish. Beautiful linings and ruched pocket work...
Views: 8,196 Year: 1954
Holidays - Luggage
Antler cases remain, first in quality and functional design, first in simple, dignified appearance - an asset to any attire. Now - certain models are fitted with the new and revolutionary Antler Cushiongrip Handle introducing a new era of comfort, exclusively to Antler users. Yet - you will be surprised how inexpensive they are.
Views: 7,693 Year: 1953
Holidays - Luggage
Noton "Milady" Soft Top Cases - The best of their kind. Made in 20", 22", 24", 26" sizes. Prices from 64/6...
Views: 7,852 Year: 1953
Holidays - Luggage
Antler cases remain, first in quality and functional design, first in simple, dignified appearance - an asset to any attire. Now - certain models are fitted with the new and revolutionary Antler Cushiongrip Handle introducing a new era of comfort, exclusively to Antler users. Yet - you will be surprised how inexpensive they are.
Views: 6,641 Year: 1953
Holidays - Luggage
Smartness doesn't end with clothes... only Antler soft-top "personal" cases can add that final touch of elegance. They're light, so finely finished, sensibly styled, with lovely linings to enhance discreet colours...
Views: 7,596 Year: 1952
Holidays - Luggage
For the Christmas Gift, what could give such lasting pleasure and so well convey the sincerity of good wishes as a selected piece of Antler hand luggage?
Views: 7,945 Year: 1950
Mappin & Webb
Holidays - Luggage
Mappin & Webb (1908) Ltd. Write for illustrated catalogs of Prince's Plate, Sterling Silver, Cutlery, Suit Cases, Jewellery, etc...
Views: 8,286 Year: 1908 1 Comment
Mappin & Webb's Travelling Bags & Dressing Cases
Holidays - Luggage
Mappin & Webb's Travelling Bags & Dressing Cases with all their latest improvements. Illustrated bag catalogue (No. 2) Post Free.
Views: 8,935 Year: 1890