Walpamur Quality Paints
Household - Painting, Decorating
Walpamur Quality Paints bring colour before you wherever you live, in town or country, in large house or small. Colour adds to the gaiety of life and these famous paints ensure its durability...
Views: 42,814 Year: 1959 1 Comment
Household - Painting, Decorating
the brush that's used by Harristocracy. Next time you paint your baronial hall, kitchen or what-have-you - insist on a Harris paint brush...
Views: 10,642 Year: 1958 1 Comment
Crown Wallpapers
Household - Painting, Decorating
Same design in two exciting colour ways; a daring duet for the colour conscious, papers for the modern minded. Crown Wallpapers...
Views: 8,905 Year: 1957
Crown Wallpapers
Household - Painting, Decorating
Crown Wallpapers in the Study. An impressive paper for the study featuring a lively, richly-coloured abstract design.
Views: 9,247 Year: 1956
Household - Painting, Decorating
Spiral wound-brushes in for a lasting finish. As any professional decorator will tell you, its the brushing-in that produces a really lasting finish...
Views: 7,974 Year: 1956
Cobra Electric Paint Scraper
Household - Painting, Decorating
In a class by itself! The Cobra Electric Paint Scraper. Cast crackle blue aluminium handle. Unbreakable in normal use and insulated by asbestos from lower section...
Views: 9,029 Year: 1956 1 Comment
Household - Painting, Decorating
The perfect paint for walls and ceilings. This is the paint that everyone is talking about - Pammastic. Goes on easily. Needs no undercoat. Dries in an hour or so with a velvet matt finish...
Views: 9,002 Year: 1955 3 Comments
Household - Painting, Decorating
For defying sea air - The toughest paint is Brolac says painter Bill. If your paintwork has to face up to the corrosive effects of sea air, city smoke or kitchen steam, you should always choose Brolac high gloss finish...
Views: 8,559 Year: 1955
Household - Painting, Decorating
Child's play with Valspar 2-3 hour emulsion flat. Dries in 2-3 hours to a beautiful sheen, One coat is often sufficient, All colours are intermixable, Quickly applied on walls and ceilings, No paint smell during or after application...
Views: 7,867 Year: 1955
Robbialac Paimts
Household - Painting, Decorating
See Robbialac First! - biggest colour range in the country - 999 colours in enamel, 99 colours in emulsion.
Views: 7,926 Year: 1954
Household - Painting, Decorating
Decorating? First fill those cracks with... Alabastine. Before painting, wallpapering or distempering, see that all cracks and crevices are permanently filled with Alabastine...
Views: 7,641 Year: 1954
Sherwoods Paints
Household - Painting, Decorating
famous since 1777 for lasting quality.
Views: 872 Year: 1954
Household - Painting, Decorating
Decorated and Protected at low cost with Snowcem Waterproof Cement Paint. When the walls of your house are painted with a weatherproof coating of Snowcem, its appearance is improved out of all recognition...
Views: 8,271 Year: 1953
Sherwoods Paints
Household - Painting, Decorating
Sherwoods Paints Wear Beautifully - Toy prams, inquisitive fingers, kicking feet - healthy children can wreak havoc with paintwork. Try Sherwoods High Gloss. It's delightful to use - and dries with a really hard, mirror smooth gloss overnight...
Views: 7,373 Year: 1953
Dulux Paint
Household - Painting, Decorating
You'll be glad you chose 'Dulux' Paint - You can be sure it is not just by chance that more Dulux than any other gloss is used by professional decorators today. Ask your own decorator why he prefers Dulux and you will hear not one reason but many...
Views: 8,010 Year: 1953
Starline Chinese Lacquer
Household - Painting, Decorating
Brighten up! Here's Starline Chinese Lacquer - For any woodwork, walls or metal ...decorations, furniture, and handicrafts, you're sure to have something that needs brightening up...
Views: 8,248 Year: 1953 1 Comment
Dulux Paint
Household - Painting, Decorating
If I were you, I'd choose 'Dulux' paint. Ask yourself - why do so many professional decorators choose Dulux - more Dulux, in fact, than any other kind of paint? They have their reasons, you can be sure...
Views: 7,459 Year: 1953
Household - Painting, Decorating
Brighten winter days with Opex brushes. On sale where good brushes are sold.
Views: 6,789 Year: 1952
Wallcharm Emulsion
Household - Painting, Decorating
It's NEW! - it's different! An amazing new finish for walls - Wallcharm Emulsion egg shell finish. The easiest paint in the world to apply. You can complete a room in an afternoon...
Views: 6,975 Year: 1952
Household - Painting, Decorating
I'm thrilled with Japlac! It made my kitchen lovely I want everyone to see it now. It's charming. Japlac 4 hour lacquer. The secret is it needs no experience to get an expert finish. Needs no undercoat...
Views: 8,447 Year: 1952
Household - Painting, Decorating
The Charm of Lovely Walls that keep clean. Nothing can equal the beauty of painted Satin-like Walls...
Views: 7,004 Year: 1952
Starline Paints
Household - Painting, Decorating
"We're no professionals... but our friends say they wouldn't know the difference... that's because there is nothing awkward about painting with Starline's versatile trio - so easy to apply - brushmarks just disappear...
Views: 7,568 Year: 1952
Valspar Lacquer
Household - Painting, Decorating
You don't have to be an expert to use Valspar 2-4 Hour Lacquer. Dries in 2-4 hours, withstands boiling water, no priming or undercoating required...
Views: 7,506 Year: 1952
Walpamur Water Paint
Household - Painting, Decorating
Walpamur Water Paint for the homes of Britain.
Views: 7,462 Year: 1951 2 Comments
Household - Painting, Decorating
Sanderson wallpapers and fabrics. The right contrast can mean perfect harmony... the best way is to choose wallpapers and fabrics together... In Sanderson's showrooms you can see them side by side...
Views: 6,988 Year: 1951