Pears Soap
Household - Soap
Pure magic for your skin. A beauty treatment every time you wash! For Pears does more than cleanse. It tones and revives, brings your taut, tired face wonderfully alive...
Views: 12,105 Year: 1956
Wright's Coal Tar Soap
Household - Soap
After work, sport and travel always use Wright's Coal Tar Soap - For 50 years awarded the Certificate of Merit of the Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene...
Views: 12,822 Year: 1955
Pears Soap
Household - Soap
Only Pears lets you see how pure it is! Hold a tablet of Pears up to a light - and see right through it. That's how pure Pears is. So pure it's ideal for young and old alike... right for the most sensitive skin...
Views: 8,478 Year: 1954 1 Comment
Household - Soap
Breeze keeps you country-fresh. That sparkle of spring in your skin... that day-long feeling of confident, all-over coolness... that's what contry-freshness means, that's what cool green Breeze gives you...
Views: 7,324 Year: 1953
Wright's Coal Tar Soap
Household - Soap
There's never been a soap like Wright's! Ideal for toilet, bath and nursery. Bath size tablet now available again.
Views: 8,334 Year: 1953
Household - Soap
Now your skin is 'Healthy-Clean'! To enjoy the delightful sensation of well-being that only a "Healthy-clean" skin can give... use CIDAL, the pleasantly perfumed Germicidal Soap. CIDAL does more than clean...
Views: 8,741 Year: 1952
Household - Soap
Breeze is country-fresh. Already millions of families insist on the new soap Breeze... on country-fresh Breeze... No other soap brings such a thrilling all-over freshness to your skin! There's all the sparkle of Spring in cool green Breeze...
Views: 7,269 Year: 1952
Lifebuoy Toilet Soap
Household - Soap
Lifebuoy Toilet Soap protects you longer - really stops B.O. (body odour). Lifebuoy Toilet Soap's new, purifying ingredient brings you lasting freshness...
Views: 8,295 Year: 1952
Household - Soap
British women approve. The soap that gives complete all-over protection night and day. Cidal is high grade, pleasantly perfumed toilet soap...
Views: 2,865 Year: 1952
Pears Embassy Soap
Household - Soap
What is chic? Chic may be dashing today... demure tomorrow. It is the look of one whose whole ensemble follows with distinction the dictates of fashion...
Views: 7,481 Year: 1951 1 Comment
Puritan Soap
Household - Soap
Real Olive Oil goes into Puritan! Extra Lather! - and Extra Mildness to take care of your hands. Puritan the gentle green soap. So much the better - it's Master Blended!
Views: 9,001 Year: 1951
Cussons Imperial Leather
Household - Soap
The Quality Toilet Soap everyone wants! Look also for Cussons Imperial Leather Talcum Powder and other Toilet Luxuries...
Views: 9,982 Year: 1951
John Knight's Family Health Soap
Household - Soap
For Road Safety use the Highway Code. Where there's no footpath, walk on the right-hand side of the road so that you face the oncoming traffic. For Home Safety use John Knight's Family Health Soap. It guards the whole family's health!
Views: 8,336 Year: 1950
Household - Soap
The soap to sing about - Araby. She, too, has discovered that Araby is her ideal toilet soap - it leaves the skin so fragrant, so thoroughly refreshed. And because it's finely milled, it's long-lasting too. Wonderful value for sixpence.
Views: 8,110 Year: 1950
Fairy Soap
Household - Soap
I'll Never Be 'Demobbed'! The job of keeping your home spick and span must always go on - and Fairy Soap is the soap to do it! Yes! Your weekly wash is spanking clean - floors and paintwork a joy to behold, when you use Fairy Soap. And your hands must stay soft and smooth. They do - Fairy Soap is so mild.
Views: 10,876 Year: 1946
Household - Soap
'Now.. I'm Schoolgirl Complexion All Over' - Palmolive used as a bath soap gives her skin the natural loveliness of her Schoolgirl Complexion. She's wise in following the advice of no less than 20,000 beauty experts, who unanimously recommended soap-and-water washing with an Olive Oil soap - Palmolive.
Views: 9,184 Year: 1937
Household - Soap
'Now.. I'm Schoolgirl Complexion All Over' - After all, she thought, it's bound to be a lovely bath soap. It's worked wonders for my complexion, so why shouldn't it do just as much for the skin on my arms and back and shoulders; She was right, too...
Views: 9,204 Year: 1936
Erasmic Soap
Household - Soap
'Tonic Cleanse' your skin as you wash... with herbal soap... Nature's gift to every woman is the charm of a beautiful skin. Peerless Erasmic has one purpose only - to unfold and enhance the latent loveliness of your complexion...
Views: 8,726 Year: 1935
Lifebuoy Toilet Soap
Household - Soap
I don't know about others, but I like to be sure about myself, so I use - Lifebuoy Toilet Soap. It prevents 'B.O.' (body-odour)
Views: 8,631 Year: 1935
Caticura Soap
Household - Soap
After Outdoor Exercise Wash Out Your Pores with Caticura Soap and hot water.
Views: 8,980 Year: 1931 1 Comment
Household - Soap
If Fairies Used Soap they'd use 'CREAMOLA' The Cream of Toilet Soaps. 4d per Tablet. Ventura, Ltd. 215-217, Mare Street, Hackney. E.8.
Views: 10,478 Year: 1924 2 Comments
Price's Old English Lavendar Soap
Household - Soap
The Most Refreshing of All Toilet Soaps. The refreshing fragrance of Lavendar that appeals to the most fastidious user is wonderfully embodied in Price's Old English Lavendar Soap - a soap delicate in its perfume and profuse in its lather. It will be found most economical in use and the fragrant to the last.
Views: 8,389 Year: 1923
Wright's Coal Tar Soap
Household - Soap
Fit for a Queen. A golden tablet of Wright's Coal Tar Soap.
Views: 10,469 Year: 1923
Wright's Coal Tar Soap
Household - Soap
I feel so nice and clean and good I've just been bath'd with Wright's Coal Tar Soap.
Views: 9,130 Year: 1922
Price's Buttermilk Toilet Soap
Household - Soap
Buttermilk Brings Beauty. The soothing, emollient lactic qualities of Buttermilk, scientifically combined in Price's Buttermilk Toilet Soap, counteract the harmful effect of 'hard' water, and enable the skin to be kept in perfect condition...
Views: 8,417 Year: 1922