Medicines & Health

Photos 1 - 23 of 23
Rose Laird

Rose Laird
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

Your skin is you... The embarrassing blotches and blemishes of youth should not be allowed to develop. Put right now... they can be right for life...

Views: 14,821    Year: 1959


Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

Soak-proof hands are beautiful hands - Rozalex barrier cream keeps water-borne dirt out of the pores. Smooth it on before you begin work - it will give you hours of protection. From chemists and stores...

Views: 5,157    Year: 1953     1 Comment

Astral Skin Cream

Astral Skin Cream
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

Are you using Astral Cream for a lovelier skin? In all weathers I know Astral is looking after my skin. No more rough hands for me! Astral keeps them smooth and cared-for. Mummy puts Astral on my skin...

Views: 7,373    Year: 1952

Astral Skin Cream

Astral Skin Cream
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

At the thought of the day ahead... your skin will be grateful for Astral. As autumn harshens into winter, let Astral protect your skin - giving it a soft bloom of attractive well-being that never wanes... keeping yours a happy skin all day long!

Views: 6,786    Year: 1951


Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

Cleverest gift yet... for a housewife. The two remarkable Innoxa Barrier Creams that protect the hands while doing any kind of grubby or staining work have been bound together in a gay Christmas pack - 51 for dry work, 71 for wet work...

Views: 5,744    Year: 1950

Astral Skin Cream

Astral Skin Cream
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

However December comes down on beauty... you can keep a "Happy Skin" - December weather is full of traps for the unready skin. But when you protect its health with Astral Cream your beauty is more than ready for any weather...

Views: 7,370    Year: 1950

Icilma Foundation Cream

Icilma Foundation Cream
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

He was the last man I wanted to see then! But a girl knows admiration when she sees it! And while his look gave me a thrill, I returned thanks to Icilma...

Views: 6,991    Year: 1948

Snowfire Vanishing Cream

Snowfire Vanishing Cream
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

"The girl I'd marry, lets me talk a lot, a brunette probably, must have a lovely skin" said N.C.C., a journalist...

Views: 8,351    Year: 1948

Icilma Foundation Cream

Icilma Foundation Cream
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

I was in the middle of making a dress - when he called! Though my heart went pit-a-pat under the pins, I knew my make-up looked cool and nice, because I use Icilma...

Views: 6,285    Year: 1948     1 Comment

DDD Prescription

DDD Prescription
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

Good! it's g-o-i-n-g! He's using D.D.D. Prescription for his skin trouble. D.D.D. Prescription is non greasy and invisible in use - it sinks into the skin, ends irritation and promotes rapid healing...

Views: 5,842    Year: 1948

Cadum Ointment

Cadum Ointment
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

Quick Relief for all Skin Affections. If you have skin trouble end it quickly and completely with Cadum. Its germ-killing, tissue-building ingredients clear up skin affections almost overnight.

Views: 7,149    Year: 1946     1 Comment

Tokalon Skin Food

Tokalon Skin Food
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

A Jealous Wife's Confession. I knew my husband's affection was cooling off. At 20 I had a pretty face and fresh clear skin. But housework and bringing up two children soon brought lines and wrinkles. At 30 I could easily have been taken for 40. Then I read about the amazing discovery...

Views: 7,247    Year: 1936

DDD Prescription

DDD Prescription
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

Skin Beauty in Every Drop - test for yourself a generous trial bottle Free. Care of the skin should be more than simply using Beauty Aids. A healthy, flawless skin is a necessity for ladies who wish to be lovely. D.D.D. Brand Prescription is the very thing...

Views: 7,074    Year: 1935

Clark's Glycola

Clark's Glycola
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

Makes rough hands smooth. Beautifies the complexion. For Beautiful Hands use Clark's Glycola. Protect your skin by using Clark's Glycola - a little massaged well into the skin will keep your hands smooth, soft and youthful - used regularly before you go out, at night, and in the morning, it will prevent ugly chapped hands and chilblains...

Views: 5,777    Year: 1933

Beethams Larola

Beethams Larola
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

Your hair may be lovely... But is your complextion right and have you flawless hands? A perfect gown, lovely hair and exquisite complexion may all be marred if you have red or roughened hands. Be sure to give them the unfailing protection of Larola...

Views: 6,452    Year: 1933

Glymiel Jelly

Glymiel Jelly
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

Nobody in our family suffers from chapped hands "Glymiel" Jelly stops all that.

Views: 12,664    Year: 1924     1 Comment


Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

Woman's Most Valuable Possession. Every woman knows the fascination and charm exercised by a beautiful complexion; how men admire a skin soft and free from blemishes; how even the plainest features are forgotten when the possessor has cheeks like the damask rose and neck white as ivory.

Views: 5,926    Year: 1923

Pond's Cold Cream and Vanishing Cream

Pond's Cold Cream and Vanishing Cream
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

The woman who wishes to make the most of her complexion should take a leaf out of the book of this well known British Film Star. The regular use of Pond's Cold Cream and Pond's Vanishing Cream ensures the highest degree of skin-beauty...

Views: 11,849    Year: 1923

Anzora Vanishing Cream

Anzora Vanishing Cream
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

My Choice because it is so delightfully refreshing and cooling to my skin. It is exquisitely perfumed and free from grease and keeps my complexion clear and smooth. Anzora Queen of Vanishing Cream.

Views: 6,469    Year: 1922

Erasmic Vanishing Cream

Erasmic Vanishing Cream
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

Erasmic Vanishing Cream. Preserves the freshness and intensifies the beautiful natural colour of the skin.

Views: 7,111    Year: 1919

Rowlands' Kalydor

Rowlands' Kalydor
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

Soft, delicate skin - A beautiful complexion and face, neck, and arms of matchless whiteness are insured to those ladies who use Rowlands' Kalydor. Most curative, healing, and refreshing...

Views: 7,774    Year: 1904

Rowland's Kalydor

Rowland's Kalydor
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

Cooling and Refreshing - during the heat and dust of summer are the effects of Rowland's Kalydor on the face and hands of ladies and all exposed to the hot sun. It removes Freckles, Tan, Sunburn, Redness, and Roughness...

Views: 9,910    Year: 1890

Beethams Glycerine and Cucumber

Beethams Glycerine and Cucumber
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

Beethams Glycerine and Cucumber is the Most Perfect Preparation for Preserving and Beautifying THE SKIN ever produced. Roughness, Redness, Chaps, &c., is almost magical, and by its use THE SKIN is rendered SOFT, SMOOTH, AND WHITE, and preserved from all the ill effects of Frost, Cold Winds, and Hard Water...

Views: 13,184    Year: 1890