Medicines & Health

Photos 1 - 17 of 17
Mac Throat Sweets

Mac Throat Sweets
Medicines & Health - Throat

"I know better!" says Joan Regan. Lovely Joan Regan does what many stars do. She keeps her throat free from infection with MAC Throat Sweets. She takes them always at the first suspicion of soreness...

Views: 11,879    Year: 1956     3 Comments

Famel Syrup

Famel Syrup
Medicines & Health - Throat

Coughs? take Famel Syrup ...soothes sore throat - eases the chest. From all chemists.

Views: 36,893    Year: 1955     38 Comments


Medicines & Health - Throat

that cough needs Zubes - A troublesome cough needs Zubes. So does a cold. So does a sore throat. Why? Look what Zubes contain. Balsam of Tolu to soothe tickling throats...

Views: 11,755    Year: 1955     4 Comments


Medicines & Health - Throat

Croaky? Dirty weather calls for Kilkof. Kilkof soothes sore throat, relieves irritating passages and eases tightness in throat and chest. Take a spoonful at the first sign of trouble!

Views: 8,502    Year: 1954

Famel Pastilles

Famel Pastilles
Medicines & Health - Throat

Sore throat? Famel Pastilles - The medicated pastille - from chemists only.

Views: 7,444    Year: 1954

Veno's Cough Mixture

Veno's Cough Mixture
Medicines & Health - Throat

Stop troublesome coughs - A spoonful of Veno's swallowed slowly relieves the worst cough. What can you do with "the cough you can't get rid of"? Just this! Swallow a teaspoonful of Veno's Cough Mixture very slowly...

Views: 9,954    Year: 1954


Medicines & Health - Throat

Throat trouble? Zubes to the rescue! In winter Zubes are as necessary as handkerchiefs. At the first sign of a tickly throat or raw chest - go suck a Zube.

Views: 6,297    Year: 1954

Mac Throat Sweets

Mac Throat Sweets
Medicines & Health - Throat

"Cough?" - "Archie won't allow it," says Peter Brough. If Peter Brough has a cough, Archie suffers too. Without Brough's voice, Archie doesn't exist. And without Archie, there's no show...

Views: 5,995    Year: 1953


Medicines & Health - Throat

If tickling throat won't let you sleep I know a plan that's sound and cheap - Hoarse? Go - suck a Zube.

Views: 11,188    Year: 1952

Famel Pastilles

Famel Pastilles
Medicines & Health - Throat

Famel is the finest first-aid for coughs + Famel Cough Syrup ...And at bedtime, take Famel in hot milk. That's the way to get a peaceful, cough-free night's rest...

Views: 5,985    Year: 1952

Mac Throat Sweets

Mac Throat Sweets
Medicines & Health - Throat

Sore, ticklish throat? "No fear!" says Harry Secombe. Harry Secombe, like many stars, keeps his throat clear from infection with Mac Throat Sweets...

Views: 2,081    Year: 1952

Simpkins Pastilles

Simpkins Pastilles
Medicines & Health - Throat

"Every note as clear as a bell - That's because they take Simpkins Antiseptic Blackcurrant Pastilles" - From Qualified Chemists Everywhere.

Views: 5,029    Year: 1951


Medicines & Health - Throat

Zubes are the best for throat and chest - Beware of Old Man Winter's cold, clammy claws! Rain, frost and fog can soon cause husky, sore throats and wheezy chests...

Views: 7,190    Year: 1951

Simpkins Medicated Tablets

Simpkins Medicated Tablets
Medicines & Health - Throat

We never cough - Thanks to Simpkins Medicated Tablets. Obtainable in 5 varieties: T.C.L., Sore Throat, Bronchial, Coumpound Thymol, Pine Catarrh.

Views: 5,548    Year: 1950

Mecca Cough Pastilles

Mecca Cough Pastilles
Medicines & Health - Throat

Cough-Cough-Cough! Get him a tin of Mecca Cough Pastilles From Chemists.

Views: 5,879    Year: 1950

Sure Shield Throat Tablets

Sure Shield Throat Tablets
Medicines & Health - Throat

A Demonstrator Says 'I daren't risk a 'throat'!' - In my job it is essential that my throat is always in top-top condition - and having to talk all day, and work in crowded atmospheres (particularly risky when Infections are about), I am never without 'SURE SHIELD' Iodised Throat Tablets...

Views: 6,767    Year: 1938

Powells Balsam of Aniseed

Powells Balsam of Aniseed
Medicines & Health - Throat

Powells Balsam of Aniseed. The surest cough medicine. TRY IT!

Views: 7,451    Year: 1890     1 Comment