Forsyth Bros Ltd
Music - Musical Instruments
Centenary - The very year that Sir Charles Halle began his famous series of concerts in Manchester Forsyths first opened their doors. Though methods and tastes have changed, Forsyths have served music lovers of every generation since with the same understanding, experience and courtesy as made certain their original success.
Views: 8,438 Year: 1957
Music - Musical Instruments
"That's fine!" says Ronald Chesney famous Hohner Star - A pat on the back from Ronald Chesney when you've only been learning to play a few days is praise indeed. For this famous harmonica star has a critical ear and always plays a Hohner himself...
Views: 9,221 Year: 1955
Music - Musical Instruments
Almost a century devoted to selling pianos by Bechstein, Bluthner and Steinway has made the name of Forsyth synonymous with all that is good in music.
Views: 7,243 Year: 1954
Music - Musical Instruments
Alone or in a crowd, wherever you go, whatever you do, take a Hohner, the harmonica of the stars. Easy to learn with the free 5-minute tutor leaflet. From all music dealers. It's fun to own a Hohner.
Views: 6,954 Year: 1953
Crane U Sons
Music - Musical Instruments
Music is always in season. Crane U Sons Limited. Pianos - Radio - Organs - Records - Sheet Music.
Views: 7,141 Year: 1948 1 Comment
Butler's Musical Instruments
Music - Musical Instruments
Known all over the World. Mandolines, Guitars, Banjos, 20s. to £10. Violins with Bow, in Case, 20s., 30s., 40s., 50s. to £10. Brass Instruments, Drums, Flutes, Clarionets, in use in all parts of the world, giving universal satisfaction.
Views: 9,185 Year: 1898
Campbell's Melodeons
Music - Musical Instruments
Music in the house makes cheerful, happy homes. Campbell's Patend Broad Reed Melodeons - With Organ and Celestial Tone and Charming Bell Accompaniments. No home should be without one...
Views: 8,284 Year: 1895
Orchestral Organette
Music - Musical Instruments
The Wonderful Orchestral Organette. Direct from the Patentee and Sole Maker at Wholesale Prices. A Mere Child can play it. Plays Hymns, Popular Airs, Quadrilles, Waltzes, Polkas, Reels, Hornpipes &c. &c...
Views: 7,440 Year: 1895
The Musical Box
Music - Musical Instruments
The Musical Box, 68, Market Street, Wigan. T. Bullock, dealer in all kinds of music and musical instruments. Hire and easy payment system for Pianos, Organs...
Views: 6,464 Year: 1894