Pets & Animals

All Pets & Animals

Photos 1 - 16 of 16
Red Heart

Red Heart
Pets & Animals - Pet Foods

Open a tin - and ask your dog! - he will tell you that Red Heart is right. Red Heart Dog Food is a correctly balanced diet which includes fresh lean meat, liver and cod liver oil...

Views: 7,820    Year: 1956


Pets & Animals - Pet Foods

What's the excitement? No need to ask it! There's Kit-E-Kat in Mummy's Basket! Remember - cats and kittens want more than just fish - more than just scraps! They need a completely balanced diet. That's why Kit-E-Kat is made not only with fresh white fish and herring, but also with meat - as well as extra vitamins and minerals! Yes, Kit-E-Kat is a complete food...

Views: 9,825    Year: 1956     1 Comment


Pets & Animals - Pet Foods

"My dog likes the liver in Lassie" Says Pauline Ware of Sandhills Corner, Hayling Island. Lassie is the ideal way to feed your dog. Rich in red meat and liver, it is ready to serve straight from the tin.

Views: 8,533    Year: 1956


Pets & Animals - Pet Foods

"Give to me" your cat will say "Felix catfood every day" - Your cat will thrive on Felix. His coat will be glossier, his step more springy because Felix has a high protein content and contains everything necessary for his health - being made of delicious meat, fish and cereals...

Views: 7,763    Year: 1954

Pets Dog Food

Pets Dog Food
Pets & Animals - Pet Foods

Give your dog a holiday too! We dogs need a holiday too, just as much as you do. If possible we like to be with our masters and mistresses - it doesn't matter where - just with them...

Views: 5,877    Year: 1954


Pets & Animals - Pet Foods

Give me Purr so much more goodness for 9¬?d - Take a lot of choice fish, just the right amount of wholesome meat and cereals, add Nuclo and you've got Purr - the most appetising and nourishing meal a lucky cat can have...

Views: 5,881    Year: 1954


Pets & Animals - Pet Foods

How I love it - every day! Kit-E-Kat is chock-full of the fish and liver that cats love - plus extra vitamins and minerals for perfect health. Feed your cat this easy way! It's absolutely ready to serve...

Views: 6,109    Year: 1954


Pets & Animals - Pet Foods

The complete cat food - big price reduction! Formerly 1/- - now 9d. Demand goes up, packaging costs go down - the benefits go to you! Yes! The same big tin of Kit-E-Kat - that's fine, rich food your cat loves - now only costs 9d...

Views: 6,849    Year: 1953


Pets & Animals - Pet Foods

Kit-E-Kat feeds a cat. Healthy cats, happy kittens, all as fit as fiddles, thanks to the finest, richest food they've ever eaten - Kit-E-Kat...

Views: 6,001    Year: 1953


Pets & Animals - Pet Foods

"Come over for dinner my dear, we're having - Purr - you know what's in it!" - 80% fish, 10% meat plus cereals and added vitamins and minerals make Purr the most nourishing and appetising meal you can give your cat...

Views: 5,944    Year: 1953     1 Comment


Pets & Animals - Pet Foods

My Christmas present - I can't wait to begin! Kit-E-Kat is chock-full of fish and liver - plus extra vitamins and minerals for perfect health. So clean and so simple - just open the tin! Kit-E-Kat is absolutely ready to server...

Views: 5,777    Year: 1953

Red Heart

Red Heart
Pets & Animals - Pet Foods

The shape of things to come! Condition him as you feed him with Red Heart Dog Food. There's Red Heart Cat Food too!

Views: 5,807    Year: 1953


Pets & Animals - Pet Foods

Your cat may look healthy - but Vitamin-Hunger can make his life a misery. A cat needs more than scraps inside him. He needs Whiskas - the food that will supply his body with essential vitamins...

Views: 8,337    Year: 1952


Pets & Animals - Pet Foods

1/3 Chappie to 2/3 scraps - or biscuits says Mrs. Atkinson of Dorking, breeder of the famous Pixholme Miniature Poodles...

Views: 7,188    Year: 1952

Van Hal Dog Cot

Van Hal Dog Cot
Pets & Animals - Accessories

At last - a bed that I can stretch on! Give your dog a Van Hal, where he can stretch in comfort and enjoy that health-giving sleep which adds active years to his normal span of life.

Views: 6,060    Year: 1950


Pets & Animals - Pet Foods

Spratts Meat Fibrine Dog Foods are the daily diet of millions of the fittest and healthiest dogs throughout the world. Spratt's "Meat-Fibrine" Dog Cakes are for all big dogs...

Views: 9,559    Year: 1924