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Sports & Equipment
Binoculars, Telescopes
Photos 1 - 2 of 2
Aitchison & Co.'s 'Target' Telescope
Sports & Equipment - Binoculars, Telescopes
Are you prepared to view Halley's Comet which is now rapidly approaching the Earth? Aitchison & Co.'s 'Target', A Portable Telescope, with Pancratic Eyepiece...
Views: 10,250 Year: 1910
Negretti & Zambra's McLeod Telescope
Sports & Equipment - Binoculars, Telescopes
A perfect glass for deer-stalkers. Being specially constructed to suit their requirements. N. and Z.'s Binocular Telescopes are of the highest power combined with clearest definition.
Views: 9,211 Year: 1898