Stationery etc

Photos 1 - 18 of 18

Stationery etc - Pens, Pencils

Seek!.. ..the finest Life-Long propelling pencil. A variety of models in rolled gold, silver or nickel silver from leading jewellers or stationers.

Views: 10,091    Year: 1958

Esterbrook Fountain Pens

Esterbrook Fountain Pens
Stationery etc - Pens, Pencils

"Choose the right point for the way you write" - Only Esterbrook can offer you a selection of 28 points, made from Duracrome the perfect nib material...

Views: 9,727    Year: 1953

Esterbrook Fountain Pens

Esterbrook Fountain Pens
Stationery etc - Pens, Pencils

The pen that fills itself - This desk pen has the fountain in the base instead of the barrel - and holds 40 times more ink than ordinary fountain pens. Always ready to write a full page because it fills itself instantly every time you return it to the socket...

Views: 12,857    Year: 1953     1 Comment

Parker Pens

Parker Pens
Stationery etc - Pens, Pencils

Rex Harrison gave his wife Lillli Palmer a Parker '51' for her birthday. Rex Harrison and his wife Lilli Palmer have recently completed another joint picture - "The Fourposter"...

Views: 2,857    Year: 1952


Stationery etc - Pens, Pencils

Never forget! It's best to buy Platingum Pens or Ball-Points - Red or blue ink.

Views: 7,244    Year: 1951     1 Comment

Conway Stewart

Conway Stewart
Stationery etc - Pens, Pencils

The All-British Conway Stewart gives personality to your writing. The popular pen with the marvellous nib.

Views: 8,136    Year: 1950

Croxley Pens

Croxley Pens
Stationery etc - Pens, Pencils

Why Croxley Pens are so dependable - Made of the best materials, simply and soundly designed, Croxley Pens are precision built and thoroughly tested before being finally passed...

Views: 1,006    Year: 1948

Venus Pencils

Venus Pencils
Stationery etc - Pens, Pencils

When you work with a pencil you need a smooth, strong, even lead - qualities not so easily found in these post-war days...

Views: 3,115    Year: 1947


Stationery etc - Pens, Pencils

For extra smooth writing choose the pen that's guaranteed. Waterman's pens have been guaranteed for over 60 years and are still guaranteed...

Views: 2,946    Year: 1947

Venus Pencils

Venus Pencils
Stationery etc - Pens, Pencils

Venus Pencils - Always on Point Duty.

Views: 9,745    Year: 1931

Swan Fountain Pen

Swan Fountain Pen
Stationery etc - Pens, Pencils

Every day somebody's birthday. Remember it with a "SWAN" fountain pen...

Views: 9,581    Year: 1904


Stationery etc - Pens, Pencils

A "JEWEL" of a pen. It has no equal for perfect flow, being fitted with Duplex Feed and Gold Nib. Fine, Broad, or Medium...

Views: 7,269    Year: 1904

C. Brandauer Circular Pointed Pens

C. Brandauer Circular Pointed Pens
Stationery etc - Pens, Pencils

These series of Pens neither scratch nor spurt. They glide over the roughest paper with the ease of a soft lead pencil. Assorted Sample Boxes, 6d., to be obtained from all Stationers.

Views: 7,334    Year: 1902

Neptune Pen

Neptune Pen
Stationery etc - Pens, Pencils

Here's a Point worth remembering. It is the latest improvement in fountain Pens, and is called the "Twin-Feed" Neptune Pen. Writes directly it touches the paper, and holds enough ink for 10,000 words.

Views: 6,882    Year: 1895

The 'Pelican' Self-Feeding Pen

The 'Pelican' Self-Feeding Pen
Stationery etc - Pens, Pencils

Writes Instantly and Continuously. Has Extra Large reservoir of Ink. Is secure against Leakage. Flow of Ink to the pen can be regulated with the Greatest Nicety...

Views: 6,517    Year: 1895

Swan Fountain Pen

Swan Fountain Pen
Stationery etc - Pens, Pencils

How Mr. Hall Caine wrote the Manxman. - Yes, if the fact is of any consequence you are very welcome to say that I wrote the "Manxman" with the Swan Fountain Pen. It has become quite indespensable to me. I can use it with ease and certainty anywhere, and at any time, even in the dark, in bed, and on horseback.

Views: 6,456    Year: 1895

Perry & Co's Patent Planished Pointed Pens

Perry & Co's Patent Planished Pointed Pens
Stationery etc - Pens, Pencils

Everybody should try these patent Perryian Planished Pointed Pens. They are simply perfection for those persons who write rapidly. It is almost impossible to make them stick in the paper...

Views: 7,079    Year: 1890

Macniven & Cameron Pens

Macniven & Cameron Pens
Stationery etc - Pens, Pencils

Sold everywhere. Sample box, of all kinds, by post, 1s. 1d. Macniven & Cameron, Waverley Works, Edinburgh.

Views: 11,408    Year: 1890