Stationery etc
Remington Rand Ltd
Stationery etc - Typewriters
It's time you had a Quiet-riter. Remington's latest, speediest, best looking portable - specially built for every kind of home typing.
Views: 7,979 Year: 1954
Stationery etc - Typewriters
Wherever typewriters are used Olivetti clearly distinguished - In offices sealed against freezing Arctic winds Olivetti typewriters are at work, just as you will find them under the punkas of India or typing Portugese in Brazil...
Views: 6,802 Year: 1952
Stationery etc - Typewriters
A good secretary deserves a really good typewriter. Olivetti typewriters, from the Glasgow factory, are making their clearly distinguished mark in businesses at home and overseas...
Views: 7,419 Year: 1952
Remington Rand Ltd
Stationery etc - Typewriters
Remington Noiseless - the 'Home' Typrewriter. A genius at your service... Anytime - Anywhere. Now is the time to obtain your Remington Noiseless. A compact little machine, it combines transportability with the great advantage of quietness...
Views: 7,647 Year: 1952
Imperial Typewriter Co. Ltd.
Stationery etc - Typewriters
First in design - complete interchangeability of type-unit, carriage and platen plus many new features. Performance - Distinctive work of unequalled legibility. Clear carbon copies and fine stencils. Value - Built to give the long service always associated with Imperial Typewriters. Imperial Model 60.
Views: 10,287 Year: 1950 3 Comments
The No. 4 Yost
Stationery etc - Typewriters
The No. 4 Yost is unrivalled for Simplicity, Beauty of Work, Strength of Construction, Elegance of Appearance. Its Superiority has been Recognised by more than 30,000 Users...
Views: 7,209 Year: 1897
N. Taylor Type-Writers
Stationery etc - Typewriters
Type-Writers Remingtons, Yosts, Smith Premiers, Barlocks, Williams, Victors, etc. For sale or hire at half the usual prices. N. Taylor, Manager, 74, Chancery Lane, London.
Views: 6,281 Year: 1897
The Williams Typewriter
Stationery etc - Typewriters
The only machine combining strictly visible writing and direct inking. Prints like a Press. New 1897 Models...
Views: 6,501 Year: 1897
National Typewriter Exchange
Stationery etc - Typewriters
Typewriters - Tremendous Bargains in Remingtons, Barlocks, Hammonds, Yosts, Caligraphs &c. Use of Machine Taught Free...
Views: 6,090 Year: 1895
The 'Merritt'.
Stationery etc - Typewriters
The people's Type-Writer. This is exact copy of the 'MERRITT'S' work. It is equal to that of any High Priced Type-writer. Releives fatigue from steady use of pen. Improves spelling and punctuation. Interests and instructs children...
Views: 7,127 Year: 1890
Hammond Type Writer
Stationery etc - Typewriters
Hammond Type Writer Latest Model. A good machine is known:- 1. By the ease and reliability of its working. 2. By the quantity, quality, and variety of its work. Awards over all competitors.
Views: 6,868 Year: 1890