
Photos 276 - 300 of 314
Lifebuoy Toilet Soap

Lifebuoy Toilet Soap
Household - Soap

I don't know about others, but I like to be sure about myself, so I use - Lifebuoy Toilet Soap. It prevents 'B.O.' (body-odour)

Views: 8,508    Year: 1935

Mansion Polish

Mansion Polish
Household - Cleaning

'I vote for Mansion'. Mansion Polish makes it so easy to obtain a mirror-like finish to Stained or Parquet Floors and Linoleum. In addition, the antiseptic properties of 'Mansion' protect the home from the danger of dust germs. Use 'Mansion' and ensure a bright and healthy home.

Views: 6,798    Year: 1935

Royal Ediswan Lamps

Royal Ediswan Lamps
Household - Heating & Light

Read by a good light... Fit Royal Ediswan Lamps. The Edison Swan Electric Co. Ltd., 123/5 Queen Victoria St., E.C.4.

Views: 7,023    Year: 1931

Caticura Soap

Caticura Soap
Household - Soap

After Outdoor Exercise Wash Out Your Pores with Caticura Soap and hot water.

Views: 8,857    Year: 1931     1 Comment

Radiation New World Gas Cooker

Radiation New World Gas Cooker
Household - Appliances (large)

"2 minutes' work! that's all, ladies, to cook a complete dinner..

Views: 9,740    Year: 1931     2 Comments

B.T.H. Refrigerator

B.T.H. Refrigerator
Household - Appliances (large)

your home needs a B.T.H. refrigerator. Through Summer - through Winter - through mild Spring and chilly Autumn, your food - how does it 'keep' in your larder? Always so much careful planning necessary, so much worry... until the B.T.H. Refrigerator enters your home.

Views: 6,974    Year: 1931     1 Comment

Fairy Dyes

Fairy Dyes
Household - Dyes

Fairy Dyes

Views: 8,547    Year: 1924

Morse's Distemper

Morse's Distemper
Household - Painting, Decorating

Morse's Distemper - "So Easy & Lies Quite Flat".

Views: 9,110    Year: 1924     2 Comments


Household - Cleaning

Parozone in Rhyme. Bleaches Linen, Bleaches Lace, Takes out Stains and leaves no trace; Makes the Pots and Pans like new, Cleans the Chairs and Tables too, Good for Cottager and Queen, Makes the whole world sweet and clean.

Views: 8,624    Year: 1924     1 Comment


Household - Heating & Light

For Brilliant Lighting use Welsbach Gas Mantles & Burners. For Comfortable Warmth install Welsbach-Kern Gas Radiators.

Views: 7,761    Year: 1924

Western Electric

Western Electric
Household - Appliances (large)

Disturbs nothing but dirt - Western Electric Vacuum Sweeper

Views: 7,438    Year: 1924


Household - Soap

If Fairies Used Soap they'd use 'CREAMOLA' The Cream of Toilet Soaps. 4d per Tablet. Ventura, Ltd. 215-217, Mare Street, Hackney. E.8.

Views: 10,355    Year: 1924     2 Comments


Household - Heating & Light

An 80-c.p. mantle lamp that beats gas or electric. Costs less that ¼d. an hour to burn and requires no pumping...

Views: 6,243    Year: 1924

Price's Old English Lavendar Soap

Price's Old English Lavendar Soap
Household - Soap

The Most Refreshing of All Toilet Soaps. The refreshing fragrance of Lavendar that appeals to the most fastidious user is wonderfully embodied in Price's Old English Lavendar Soap - a soap delicate in its perfume and profuse in its lather. It will be found most economical in use and the fragrant to the last.

Views: 8,248    Year: 1923

Wright's Coal Tar Soap

Wright's Coal Tar Soap
Household - Soap

Fit for a Queen. A golden tablet of Wright's Coal Tar Soap.

Views: 10,322    Year: 1923

The 'Bella' Electric Lamp

The 'Bella' Electric Lamp
Household - Heating & Light

Unique, Inexpensive, Serviceable. Beautifully nickel plated with large handsome fancy assorted colorued silk shades/ When the Lamp is raised by means of the handle, contact is made. If required to give continuous light, same can be obtained by turning the screw.

Views: 6,073    Year: 1923

Wright's Coal Tar Soap

Wright's Coal Tar Soap
Household - Soap

I feel so nice and clean and good I've just been bath'd with Wright's Coal Tar Soap.

Views: 8,988    Year: 1922

Price's Buttermilk Toilet Soap

Price's Buttermilk Toilet Soap
Household - Soap

Buttermilk Brings Beauty. The soothing, emollient lactic qualities of Buttermilk, scientifically combined in Price's Buttermilk Toilet Soap, counteract the harmful effect of 'hard' water, and enable the skin to be kept in perfect condition...

Views: 8,291    Year: 1922

Modern Heating Systems

Modern Heating Systems
Household - Heating & Light

We Specialise in Heating and Domestic Engineering for Public, Private, and Horticultural Buildings. Economy! Cleanliness! Boulton & Paul, Ltd, Norwich.

Views: 6,916    Year: 1910

Maple & Co Sideboards

Maple & Co Sideboards
Household - Furniture

This handsome Sideboard, Jacobean style, in carved oak, well fitted throughout, 6 ft. wide, and only £16.10.0, is an example of the calue offered.

Views: 8,767    Year: 1910

Caffeta Coffee Maker

Caffeta Coffee Maker
Household - Appliances (small)

You can make a Cup of Coffee to Perfection with Less Trouble or Expense than anything hitherto known by using the Caffeta Coffee Maker - It whistles when your coffee is ready, and is so simple that a child can use it.

Views: 9,334    Year: 1910     2 Comments

Dryad Furniture

Dryad Furniture
Household - Furniture

Comfort, Quality, Design. Dryad Furniture is quite different in style, construction and workmanship from any other cane work, and has that distinction only found where the artist and craftsman are combined...

Views: 8,537    Year: 1910

Chivers' Carpet Soap

Chivers' Carpet Soap
Household - Cleaning

Chivers' Carpet Soap. Best & Simplest Carpet Cleaner in the World. 6d. per ball, sold everywhere.

Views: 8,032    Year: 1910

Aspinall's Enamel

Aspinall's Enamel
Household - Painting, Decorating

A tin of Aspinall's and a brush will work wonders. Aspinall's Enamel Ltd, New Cross, S.E.

Views: 8,763    Year: 1910     1 Comment

A Little OMO - A Big Wash

A Little OMO - A Big Wash
Household - Cleaning

OMO is the most economical washer. A 3d. packet yields 10 gallons of splendid washing fluid. Using OMO no other soaps are needed, nor any bleaching powder. OMO bleaches, cleanses and purifies all at once. And does all these without needing any attention from you...

Views: 8,296    Year: 1910