
Photos 301 - 314 of 314
A Nest For Rest. - The 'Burlington'

A Nest For Rest. - The 'Burlington'
Household - Furniture

An ideal Easy Chair that can instantly be converted into a most luxurious Lounge or Couch. Simply press the small knob and the back will decline, or automatically rise, to any position desired by the occupant...

Views: 7,072    Year: 1910

Wright's Coal Tar Soap

Wright's Coal Tar Soap
Household - Soap

Baby is sometimes tired and cross at bed-time, but a bath with Wright's Coal Tar Soap will bring back his sunny smile.

Views: 8,350    Year: 1910

Carron Range

Carron Range
Household - Appliances (large)

Efficiency, Economy, Adaptability and Excellence of Finish are the leading features in the new range - the

Views: 6,531    Year: 1910

Keating's Powder

Keating's Powder
Household - Poisons

Keating's Powder Kills Beetles.

Views: 15,003    Year: 1910     6 Comments


Household - Heating & Light

Aladdin's Palace from 92, New Bond Street, Recommended by leading Oculists. Double-wick candle reading lamp nickel-plated...

Views: 6,414    Year: 1908

Matchless Metal Polish

Matchless Metal Polish
Household - Cleaning

Preparing for the Coronation with Polish Made in England. The Matchless Metal Polish Co., Ltd., Leeds St., Liverpool.

Views: 7,468    Year: 1902

Pears Soap

Pears Soap
Household - Soap

Pears' Soap as recommended by Sir Erasmus Wilson, I have found matchless for the Hands and Complexion. 'Cleanliness is next to Godliness'

Views: 13,281    Year: 1898

Oetzmann & Co.

Oetzmann & Co.
Household - Furniture

Oetzmann & Co. Hampstead Road, also Dublin and Ryde - All carpets made up free. Carved antique oak hat and coat rail.

Views: 8,671    Year: 1898

Hewetsons Furniture

Hewetsons Furniture
Household - Furniture

Hewetsons, Tottenham Court Rd, London, have the largest stock of English carved oak furniture in the United Kingdom.

Views: 7,610    Year: 1898     1 Comment

Incandescent Fire-Mantel

Incandescent Fire-Mantel
Household - Heating & Light

"Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer" by the use of the Incandescent Fire-Mantel. Makes brilliant, Smokeless Fires, costing in fuel only 2d. per day.

Views: 7,044    Year: 1897

Shannon Desks

Shannon Desks
Household - Furniture

The largest selection in Great Britain. Some of the finest offices and libraries have been fitted and furnished by the Shannon, Limited...

Views: 6,903    Year: 1897

Home Turko-Russian Folding Bath Cabinet

Home Turko-Russian Folding Bath Cabinet
Household - Furniture

The Improved Home Turko-Russian Folding Bath Cabinet - Enables everyone to enjoy in their own home all the luxuries and advantages of the Dry Steam, Vapour, Oxygen Medicated, and perfumed Baths.

Views: 8,188    Year: 1895     1 Comment

Pears Soap

Pears Soap
Household - Soap

PEARS 'And a nice little boy - had a nice cake of soap - worthy of washing the hands of the Pope.'

Views: 9,220    Year: 1890

Sunlight Soap

Sunlight Soap
Household - Soap

Sunlight Soap So Clean. ...I EMPLOY THE SOAP, and from my actual experience of it can strongly recommend it. (Signed) Charles A. Cameron.

Views: 9,906    Year: 1890