
Photos 26 - 50 of 53
A.B. Fires

A.B. Fires
Household - Heating & Light

The Fire for the New Fuels pays for itself on fuel savings - Owners of A.B. Fires will immediately benefit from the lower prices announced for cheaper grades of fuel. With the A.B. you actually get more warmth day and night from the cheaper grades - and remember the most expensive grades of coal may be scarce...

Views: 5,730    Year: 1953

Queen Fire

Queen Fire
Household - Heating & Light

The Drop-Front "Queen" continuous burning fire lets you see the fire! All the pleasures of an open fire with all the advantages of an all fuel continuous burning fire - plus more heat at a lower level...

Views: 5,798    Year: 1953

William Sugg & Co. Ltd.

William Sugg & Co. Ltd.
Household - Heating & Light

The New Portable Screen Gas Fire - Finished in lustre bronze with gold relief, it is designed to stand in the fireplace and gives comfort combined with low running costs. A safety guard is fitted...

Views: 5,896    Year: 1953

Berry's Electric Ltd

Berry's Electric Ltd
Household - Heating & Light

Do you scorch in front of a fire while your back slowly freezes? The new electric Raydair Heater gives all round warmth; with it you can enjoy the comfort of central heating at a fraction of the cost! This remarkable dual-action heater - it is a Radiator and Convector in one - uses no more current than a small electric fire and is absolutely safe with young children...

Views: 6,192    Year: 1953     1 Comment

Berry's Electric Ltd

Berry's Electric Ltd
Household - Heating & Light

You can enjoy the best of both worlds with Berry's Magicoal. These electric fires provide the delights of a coal fire with none of the snags, the companionable glow without the dirt and work...

Views: 12,327    Year: 1953     5 Comments

ABM Allnite

ABM Allnite
Household - Heating & Light

our of the crate into the grate - and your ABM Allnite continuous-burning fire is all ready for warm winters! No cementing! No boltng down! The ABM Allnite is completely assembled and ready for immediate use...

Views: 7,232    Year: 1953


Household - Heating & Light

Paraffin Users! Keep your lamps and heaters in the Pink! Better light - No smell! - Longer life of wick - Freedom from char and smoke - Less trimming - Ask for Pink Paraffin it's Aladdin the best.

Views: 7,058    Year: 1952


Household - Heating & Light

I need a Creda. Having piping hot water whenever you want it! Big Creda storage water heaters, compact little ones, immersion heaters and circulators... all automatically switching off the current when the water is hot, so inexpensive to run...

Views: 5,745    Year: 1952

Mazda Lamps

Mazda Lamps
Household - Heating & Light

Now all together, louder, stronger... Mazda Lamps stay brighter longer.

Views: 2,732    Year: 1952


Household - Heating & Light

A woman never feels depressed when Osram shows her at her best! Osram the wonderful lamp.

Views: 2,676    Year: 1952

Mazda Lamps

Mazda Lamps
Household - Heating & Light

Make your household budget stronger - Mazda Lamps stay brighter longer.

Views: 6,367    Year: 1951

Mazda Lamps

Mazda Lamps
Household - Heating & Light

The moon shines bright in Bonga Bonga But Mazda lamps stay brighter longer.

Views: 6,690    Year: 1951


Household - Heating & Light

Switch to Crompton and you're ON to a good lamp.

Views: 5,915    Year: 1951

Coalite Smokeless Fuel

Coalite Smokeless Fuel
Household - Heating & Light

'Coalite' is the ideal smokeless fuel for every type of grate, cooker, stove and boiler. It provides magnificent fires at low cost and being half the weight of coal it gives twice as many scuttles to the ton...

Views: 7,488    Year: 1951

Terry Angelpoise Lamp

Terry Angelpoise Lamp
Household - Heating & Light

"Be an angel - buy him an Angelpoise" she did... She worried to see him strain his eyes with that lamp of Aunt Minnie's - and got him an Angelpoise...

Views: 6,014    Year: 1950

Calor Gas

Calor Gas
Household - Heating & Light

Calor Gas for country homes.

Views: 6,844    Year: 1948

Ever Ready

Ever Ready
Household - Heating & Light

Made for each other - Ever Ready Lamps and Batteries.

Views: 6,584    Year: 1948

Terry Anglepoise Lamp

Terry Anglepoise Lamp
Household - Heating & Light

Good old Uncle George - he's send an Anglepoise. As a gift that keeps on giving, nothing can equal the Anglepoise Lamp...

Views: 2,976    Year: 1947

Mazda Lamps

Mazda Lamps
Household - Heating & Light

Happy Eyes - with better lighting. Mazda coiled-coil lamps give up to 20% more light than ordinary gas filled lamps.

Views: 5,810    Year: 1937

Mazda Lamps

Mazda Lamps
Household - Heating & Light

Use Mazda Lamps. They stay brighter longer because of the wonderful NON-SAG filament.

Views: 6,019    Year: 1937

Mazda Lamps

Mazda Lamps
Household - Heating & Light

Better light makes every task easier. Mazda coiled-coil lamps give up to 20% more light than ordinary gas-filled lamps.

Views: 5,862    Year: 1936

Royal Ediswan Lamps

Royal Ediswan Lamps
Household - Heating & Light

Read by a good light... Fit Royal Ediswan Lamps. The Edison Swan Electric Co. Ltd., 123/5 Queen Victoria St., E.C.4.

Views: 7,270    Year: 1931


Household - Heating & Light

For Brilliant Lighting use Welsbach Gas Mantles & Burners. For Comfortable Warmth install Welsbach-Kern Gas Radiators.

Views: 8,033    Year: 1924


Household - Heating & Light

An 80-c.p. mantle lamp that beats gas or electric. Costs less that ¼d. an hour to burn and requires no pumping...

Views: 6,513    Year: 1924

The 'Bella' Electric Lamp

The 'Bella' Electric Lamp
Household - Heating & Light

Unique, Inexpensive, Serviceable. Beautifully nickel plated with large handsome fancy assorted colorued silk shades/ When the Lamp is raised by means of the handle, contact is made. If required to give continuous light, same can be obtained by turning the screw.

Views: 6,356    Year: 1923