
Photos 26 - 30 of 30

Music - Record Players, Radios etc

The Machine with the Human Voice. Pathe Discs - Play with a Sapphire - No Needles required...

Views: 10,093    Year: 1908

Butler's Musical Instruments

Butler's Musical Instruments
Music - Musical Instruments

Known all over the World. Mandolines, Guitars, Banjos, 20s. to £10. Violins with Bow, in Case, 20s., 30s., 40s., 50s. to £10. Brass Instruments, Drums, Flutes, Clarionets, in use in all parts of the world, giving universal satisfaction.

Views: 8,789    Year: 1898

Campbell's Melodeons

Campbell's Melodeons
Music - Musical Instruments

Music in the house makes cheerful, happy homes. Campbell's Patend Broad Reed Melodeons - With Organ and Celestial Tone and Charming Bell Accompaniments. No home should be without one...

Views: 7,895    Year: 1895

Orchestral Organette

Orchestral Organette
Music - Musical Instruments

The Wonderful Orchestral Organette. Direct from the Patentee and Sole Maker at Wholesale Prices. A Mere Child can play it. Plays Hymns, Popular Airs, Quadrilles, Waltzes, Polkas, Reels, Hornpipes &c. &c...

Views: 7,079    Year: 1895

The Musical Box

The Musical Box
Music - Musical Instruments

The Musical Box, 68, Market Street, Wigan. T. Bullock, dealer in all kinds of music and musical instruments. Hire and easy payment system for Pianos, Organs...

Views: 6,054    Year: 1894