Medicines & Health

Photos 76 - 100 of 179

Medicines & Health - Plasters, Bandages

Famous racing ace crashes... Band-Aid Adhesive Dressings to the Rescue! In hundreds of thousands of homes and more it's "Band-Aid Adhesive Dressings to the Rescue!" for every graze and cut...

Views: 5,995    Year: 1952

Crookes Halibut Oil

Crookes Halibut Oil
Medicines & Health - Tonics, Vitamins etc

do you take cold... or do you take Crookes! Crookes Halibut Oil - The stronger capsule for greater protection. Rich in 'protective' Vitamin A and 'sunshine' Vitamin D.

Views: 5,494    Year: 1952

365 Handkerchiefs

365 Handkerchiefs
Medicines & Health - Toilet Rolls, Tissues etc

Free Gift Boxes - Give '365' Handkerchiefs this Xmas in gay gift boxes. 3 Men's Handkerchiefs at the usual price of 7/6 or 4 Ladies' at 4/-. Choose the gift box we give you from a variety of colours and designs...

Views: 5,446    Year: 1952


Medicines & Health - Tonics, Vitamins etc

Keep fit this Winter! Take Phosferine - Don't let yourself get run-down and depressed. Build yourself with Phosferine to resist wintry conditions...

Views: 11,401    Year: 1952


Medicines & Health - Throat

If tickling throat won't let you sleep I know a plan that's sound and cheap - Hoarse? Go - suck a Zube.

Views: 10,823    Year: 1952


Medicines & Health - Tonics, Vitamins etc

You can't rear a child in a glass case - But wise mothers protect their children from sickness far more effectively, and endow them with the power to grow sturdy bones and good strong teeth, through the natural stored goodness of SevenSeaS Cod Liver Oil...

Views: 5,028    Year: 1952

Famel Pastilles

Famel Pastilles
Medicines & Health - Throat

Famel is the finest first-aid for coughs + Famel Cough Syrup ...And at bedtime, take Famel in hot milk. That's the way to get a peaceful, cough-free night's rest...

Views: 5,729    Year: 1952


Medicines & Health - Teeth, Toothpaste

Don't get rough with a lovely smile - Not only your smile but your dental health is affected by the trimming of your toothbrush. That's why every Halex - nylon or bristle - is "Rondated", with the tips specially smoothed and rounded to be kinder to gums, better for the teeth...

Views: 5,135    Year: 1952

Bismag - Bisurated Magnesia

Bismag - Bisurated Magnesia
Medicines & Health - Indigestion

Indigestion can't beat you if you take Bismag. 'Bismag' gives you speedier, surer relief from indigestion and stomach upsets...

Views: 6,797    Year: 1952


Medicines & Health - Cure All

for Speed - Action - Safety - Take 'ASPRO'. There are plenty of spring colds about - particularly feverish ones. To arrest them at the onset you need a medicine which acts with maximum speed...

Views: 6,026    Year: 1952


Medicines & Health - Teeth, Toothpaste

Be wise - buy Wisdom. Because... Wisdom toothbrushes have a correctly shaped handle. They're made to help you get into every crevice, even the hardest to reach. No wonder more dentists favour the Wisdom shape than that of any other toothbrush...

Views: 5,150    Year: 1952

Maclean Brand Stomach Powder

Maclean Brand Stomach Powder
Medicines & Health - Indigestion

...Talking of Indigestion It's Just About Now I Feel It. For pains after eating, Heartburn, Flatulence or Acidity due to Indigestion Maclean Brand Stomach Powder is a widely approved formula...

Views: 10,984    Year: 1952     3 Comments

Fynnon Salt

Fynnon Salt
Medicines & Health - Cure All

Fynnon Salt - best thing I've ever taken for Rheumatism. I'm subject to rheumatism - and a nasty thing it can be. But lately I've been getting the better of it - simply by taking Fynnon Salt...

Views: 30,699    Year: 1952     7 Comments


Medicines & Health - Indigestion

Indigestion? Not if you take a couple of Moorland antacid indigestion tablets. You can eat - and enjoy - your meal when you have a roll of Moorlands handy to ward off indigestion pains...

Views: 5,559    Year: 1952

365 Handkerchiefs

365 Handkerchiefs
Medicines & Health - Toilet Rolls, Tissues etc

365 Handkerchiefs guaranteed for 365 days. William Chapman Limited, 101 Portland Street, Manchester 1

Views: 5,046    Year: 1952


Medicines & Health - Plasters, Bandages

Pirate hits the deck! Band-Aid Adhesive Dressings to the Rescue! A daring deed... a mild disaster. But tears are soon dried... the graze quickly soothed with a Band-Aid Dressing...

Views: 4,790    Year: 1952


Medicines & Health - Headaches, Flu

Pain Gone! and NO After-Effects. Active young moderns demand a pain reliever which acts the right way - that is, stops the pain but leaves one as fresh and vigorous as ever. 'Aspro' does all this...

Views: 5,058    Year: 1952


Medicines & Health - Headaches, Flu

Somebody's going to need Alka-Seltzer for Headaches! When headaches from overwork and strain set your head athrob, you need Alka-Seltzer...

Views: 4,329    Year: 1952

Gibbs S.R. Toothpaste

Gibbs S.R. Toothpaste
Medicines & Health - Teeth, Toothpaste

Foolish neglect gums! Wise know that S.R. keeps teeth white and gums healthy. Teeth want whiteness - but... white teeth are not always safe teeth...

Views: 2,029    Year: 1952

DCL Yeast Tablets

DCL Yeast Tablets
Medicines & Health - Tonics, Vitamins etc

For active energetic good health. All's right with your world if you enjoy good health, the never-flagging energy that springs from abundant vitality...

Views: 1,885    Year: 1952

Beecham's Pills

Beecham's Pills
Medicines & Health - Headaches, Flu

The eyes show it. Your eyes are an outward sign of your inner health. Bright eyes mean a pure bloodstream, a regular system. When you are out-of-sorts your eyes show it...

Views: 1,815    Year: 1952

Mac Throat Sweets

Mac Throat Sweets
Medicines & Health - Throat

Sore, ticklish throat? "No fear!" says Harry Secombe. Harry Secombe, like many stars, keeps his throat clear from infection with Mac Throat Sweets...

Views: 1,814    Year: 1952


Medicines & Health - Teeth, Toothpaste

Be wise - buy Wisdom. Because... There's only one toothbrush in the world with the correct-shape handle, and that's Wisdom. Made to help you get into every crevice, even those that are hard to reach...

Views: 5,219    Year: 1951


Medicines & Health - Teeth, Toothpaste

Thank Kolynos for whiter teeth, sweeter breath. "Kolynos for me since I was so-high. That's why my teeth are so white now." Yes, 'Kolynos' Dental Cream contains the finest whitening agent your teeth can have...

Views: 5,801    Year: 1951

Bismag - Bisurated Magnesia

Bismag - Bisurated Magnesia
Medicines & Health - Indigestion

take this... for Indigestion Says Mrs. E.M., Liverpool. "I must tell you of my wonderfully improved health since first taking your 'Bismag' tablets. For years I have been unable to enjoy a meal without suffering agonies with indigestion..."

Views: 6,600    Year: 1951