All Adverts
County Garage (Manchester) Ltd.
Transport - Cars
The Borgward Isabella T.S. - A six-seater sports saloon for the family man - with all the engineering advancements and refinements, fully syncromesh four-speed gearbox, independent all-round suspension, performance with economy, it's got 'em all...
Views: 8,927 Year: 1958
Gilbert Taylor
Fashion & Clothing - Childrenswear
They're off.. to see the Wizard... or the Lizard! Some to roam... some to swim... But NOT in School Uniform! See the gay holiday shirts, mostly non-iron finished...
Views: 9,140 Year: 1958
Blakes Motors
Transport - Cars
"You're so right..." ...the Vauxhall Cresta is so superb. I am glad I went to Blakes for one. Vauxhall Cresta long... low... lovely... See the brilliant Vauxhall - Cresta, Velox and Victor at Blakes Motors.
Views: 9,834 Year: 1958
Toys - Modelling
Build the real way - with real bricks and mortar. You can build houses, garages, railway stations, or from your own imagination. Buildings can be permanent, or dismantled by merely soaking in water and the bricks used again and again...
Views: 13,140 Year: 1958 2 Comments
Toys - Modelling
But don't let Dad have all the fun! Revell model kits are terrific... fun to build, exciting to own. Fighters, bombers, battleships, Old Time cars, modern cars, trucks and coaches - all exact in every detail. Lead your dad to the nearest Revell stockist. But watch him - these kits are for you!
Views: 10,520 Year: 1958
Toys - Boys
Tri-ang Minic Electric Cars 1/20th Scale. More than just toys, these true scale models are precision built replicas of actual cars, taken from official drawings...
Views: 10,668 Year: 1958
Toys - Modelling
"The train now arriving at Bayko-loo-" One of the many advantages of Bayko is that from the wide variety of parts available any type of building can be modelled to your own design, including railway and lineside buildings...
Views: 10,853 Year: 1958 4 Comments
Toys - Boys
Model steam engines and working models. The perfect miniature power plant to drive your Meccano models.
Views: 10,589 Year: 1958 1 Comment
Abbey-Corinthian Games Co.
Toys - Modelling
Model Lorry - Scale Foden. You can dismantle it - just like the real thing! Made up from 65 standardised parts - all replaceable...
Views: 12,179 Year: 1958
Wolseley Six-Ninety
Transport - Cars
"If I may say so, Sir... the very best of taste" - Hargreaves has been making good suits for a long time and is something of an authority on what is 'correct'...
Views: 8,990 Year: 1958
New Zealand Line
Holidays - Cruises
M.V. "RUAHINE" of 17,851 tons. Monthly sailings from London.
Views: 9,530 Year: 1958
Sheen Flame Gun
Garden - Miscellaneous
A happy gardening New Year is assured with a Sheen Flame Gun. Perhaps the gardeners greatest boon, a Sheen Flame Gun, provides the most efficient means of controlling the weed menace...
Views: 11,456 Year: 1958
Jewellery - Watches
For men in tune with the age... One thing only links this superb sports watch with the past - it keeps the Longines tradition of absolute accuracy...
Views: 11,462 Year: 1958
Wallace Heaton Ltd.
Photography - Photographers
Photography for advertisers. Fashion accessories and all kinds of goods, including picture copying, interiors, exteriors, etc. photographed in colour or black and white...
Views: 10,049 Year: 1958
Becas Soups
Food - Soup
Made with wine for the special occasion. Shark's Fin - Chinese Bird's Nest - Real Turtle - Genuine Kangaroo Tail - Clear Oxtail - Consemme...
Views: 14,345 Year: 1958 2 Comments
Fashion & Clothing - Childrenswear
See my Choodler 'Frivolity' Baby Pants. Gay is the word for these Choodler frivolities, charming for parties and special occasions...
Views: 9,618 Year: 1958 3 Comments
Vantella Shirts
Fashion & Clothing - Menswear
Add tone to good tailoring. A Vantella Shirt invariably sets off a man's appearance to better advantage; for it has a crisp quality and easy comfort entirely appropriate to good cloth, and well-cut clothes...
Views: 9,528 Year: 1958
Stationery etc - Pens, Pencils
Seek!.. ..the finest Life-Long propelling pencil. A variety of models in rolled gold, silver or nickel silver from leading jewellers or stationers.
Views: 10,091 Year: 1958
Marsh York Ham
Food - Meat
Marsh York Ham perfectly matured - is the most appetising in the world.
Views: 12,821 Year: 1958
George Tarratt Limited
Jewellery - Goldsmiths
Fascinating charms - in 9 carat gold. Beautifully made, these charms are remarkable for their wonderful detail...
Views: 9,243 Year: 1958 1 Comment
Mason Pearson
Hair Care - Curlers, Dryers, Nets
More than a Christmas gift. You give more than a famous hairbrush when you make a Mason Pearson your Christmas gift. You pay a graceful compliment to the good taste of both yourself and the recipient...
Views: 11,278 Year: 1958
Hesters Limited
Household - Furniture
Creative Furnishing. At Hesters you are invited to have your own creative ideas (or ours if you wish) carried out by expert craftsmen. From a wide range of superbly designed birch frames - only a few of which are illustrated - hand made throughout...
Views: 9,748 Year: 1958
Twentieth Century Fur Hirers Ltd.
Fashion & Clothing - Furs
Hire one of our elegant furs for that important occasion. We have a wonderful selection - particularly of mink in a great variety of shapes and colours...
Views: 8,589 Year: 1958
Peter Scott & Co Ltd.
Fashion & Clothing - Menswear
Peter Scott knitted sportswear fully fashioned. Made in Scotland. In pure wool, lambswool and pure cashmere.
Views: 8,563 Year: 1958