
Photos 126 - 150 of 314
Pifco Electric Nursery Lamp

Pifco Electric Nursery Lamp
Household - Heating & Light

Kiddies are happy at night - This delighful Night Lamp provides 600 hours of soft and friendly light for one unit of electricity, using a 6-volt bulb. Of hygienic plastic in pastel shades of Ivory, Blue, Pink or Green, with matching reflector decoratied with nursery motifs...

Views: 6,828    Year: 1953


Household - Appliances (large)

the gift of a Bendix automatically makes washing a leisure. No filling, no wet floors, no scrubbing, no wringing, no clouds of steam. You just set it and forget it. Bendix soaks, washes, rinses three times damp dries clothes, drains itself and switches off.

Views: 5,599    Year: 1953


Household - Cleaning

"I'll wash-up tonight!" Wise wives find their husbands much more helpful now that they've changed to Quix for the washing up! And no wonder - Quix is the only product that's specially made for the job...

Views: 6,667    Year: 1953

Clipper Stair Carpet Holders

Clipper Stair Carpet Holders
Household - Furniture

"See my stairs fitted with Clippers" - they make such a difference... Fit flush to edge of carpet, Keep the carpet taut, Stairs easily dusted, Harbour no dust, One screw fixing, Can be moved in a moment...

Views: 7,873    Year: 1953

Wright's Coal Tar Soap

Wright's Coal Tar Soap
Household - Soap

There's never been a soap like Wright's! Ideal for toilet, bath and nursery. Bath size tablet now available again.

Views: 7,799    Year: 1953

Dulux Paint

Dulux Paint
Household - Painting, Decorating

If I were you, I'd choose 'Dulux' paint. Ask yourself - why do so many professional decorators choose Dulux - more Dulux, in fact, than any other kind of paint? They have their reasons, you can be sure...

Views: 6,860    Year: 1953


Household - Appliances (large)

Why is Hotpoint so good? The proof of a washing machine is in the washing. The test is the family wash - in the home. Mrs. Scuse of Devizes is delighted and thrilled with her Hotpoint, as you can judge from her letter...

Views: 6,156    Year: 1953

British National Electrics

British National Electrics
Household - Appliances (large)

Yours for 3d per day. Enjoy the ease of cooking and save money. It's so easy with electricity... and easiest of all with a B.N.E. cooker. Easy to cook to perfection, easy to keep sparkling clean and easy to reduce fuel bills...

Views: 5,599    Year: 1953     1 Comment


Household - Heating & Light

How much heat for 1¬?d? For less than 1¬?d. an hour the oil burning Aladdin Blue Flame Heater gives out the same amount of heat as a 3 kilowatt electric fire...

Views: 11,337    Year: 1953     1 Comment

G.E.C. Television

G.E.C. Television
Household - Television

Brightest stars of television... Eamonn Andrews and the New G.E.C. 14in. television. Biggest value of 1953. Large, steady, brilliant picture, handsome compact walnut veneered cabinet, remarkably low price - and G.E.C. dependability! It matters a great deal who makes your TV receiver...

Views: 7,559    Year: 1953


Household - Heating & Light

G.E.C. Nursery Fire - Specially planned for the nursery with an extra strong wire guard for complete safety. The multi-parabolic reflector spreads a generous, even flow of warmth...

Views: 5,966    Year: 1953


Household - Heating & Light

"I'm awfully glad we bought a Redfyre" - We knew that the Redfyre kept in all night, that it was wonderfully economical, burning coal, coke or any fuel we could get. But until we saw it we hadn't realised that it was so attractive...

Views: 6,243    Year: 1953


Household - Heating & Light

There's no glow like "Torglow" - The "Torglow" Burns Continuously and will give you any degree of heat required by turning the air control spinner. It is available in a variety of easy-clean vitreous enamel finishes including lustre...

Views: 6,524    Year: 1953


Household - Heating & Light

Perfect safety with the Hobourn Convection Heater. Children can be left alone without fear of fire, shocks, burns or scorched clothes. No other electric heater has so high a safety factor combined with heat-producing efficiency...

Views: 6,349    Year: 1953


Household - Heating & Light

Convector Fires - The most efficient fire of them all is the Convector Fire. In the Airdun fire the additional warm air output from the convector jacket heats the whole room and not just the small area around the fire...

Views: 6,206    Year: 1953

A.B. Fires

A.B. Fires
Household - Heating & Light

The Fire for the New Fuels pays for itself on fuel savings - Owners of A.B. Fires will immediately benefit from the lower prices announced for cheaper grades of fuel. With the A.B. you actually get more warmth day and night from the cheaper grades - and remember the most expensive grades of coal may be scarce...

Views: 5,062    Year: 1953

Queen Fire

Queen Fire
Household - Heating & Light

The Drop-Front "Queen" continuous burning fire lets you see the fire! All the pleasures of an open fire with all the advantages of an all fuel continuous burning fire - plus more heat at a lower level...

Views: 5,178    Year: 1953

William Sugg & Co. Ltd.

William Sugg & Co. Ltd.
Household - Heating & Light

The New Portable Screen Gas Fire - Finished in lustre bronze with gold relief, it is designed to stand in the fireplace and gives comfort combined with low running costs. A safety guard is fitted...

Views: 5,219    Year: 1953

Berry's Electric Ltd

Berry's Electric Ltd
Household - Heating & Light

Do you scorch in front of a fire while your back slowly freezes? The new electric Raydair Heater gives all round warmth; with it you can enjoy the comfort of central heating at a fraction of the cost! This remarkable dual-action heater - it is a Radiator and Convector in one - uses no more current than a small electric fire and is absolutely safe with young children...

Views: 5,555    Year: 1953     1 Comment

Berry's Electric Ltd

Berry's Electric Ltd
Household - Heating & Light

You can enjoy the best of both worlds with Berry's Magicoal. These electric fires provide the delights of a coal fire with none of the snags, the companionable glow without the dirt and work...

Views: 11,510    Year: 1953     5 Comments


Household - Poisons

FLIT kills flies, moths, mosquitoes, wasps, 'woolly bears', carpet beetles and all other insect pests...

Views: 6,638    Year: 1953

ABM Allnite

ABM Allnite
Household - Heating & Light

our of the crate into the grate - and your ABM Allnite continuous-burning fire is all ready for warm winters! No cementing! No boltng down! The ABM Allnite is completely assembled and ready for immediate use...

Views: 6,568    Year: 1953


Household - Poisons

Protect health and home. 5 seconds spraying kills every insect pest in the room.

Views: 6,061    Year: 1953


Household - Poisons

Moths used to be a regular nightmare until I put Mondines in every danger spot.

Views: 6,016    Year: 1953


Household - Poisons

Press for a fly-free summer. The long-lasting press-button fly-killer.

Views: 5,949    Year: 1953