Medicines & Health

Photos 126 - 150 of 179
Calvert's Tooth Powder

Calvert's Tooth Powder
Medicines & Health - Teeth, Toothpaste

Cleaner by far... and wide. One of the friendly links with home for many thousands living overseas is the familiar tin of Calvert's Tooth Powder - on sale to-day in almost every country of the world...

Views: 6,163    Year: 1950

Simpkins Medicated Tablets

Simpkins Medicated Tablets
Medicines & Health - Throat

We never cough - Thanks to Simpkins Medicated Tablets. Obtainable in 5 varieties: T.C.L., Sore Throat, Bronchial, Coumpound Thymol, Pine Catarrh.

Views: 5,828    Year: 1950

Phillips' Dental Magnesia Toothpaste

Phillips' Dental Magnesia Toothpaste
Medicines & Health - Teeth, Toothpaste

Would you believe it! he's liable to lose half his teeth by the time he's 40 because of Mouth Acid. Why have most men lost half their teeth at the age of forty...? Dentists say that excess mouth acid is one of the main causes of such rapid decay...

Views: 6,444    Year: 1950

Mecca Cough Pastilles

Mecca Cough Pastilles
Medicines & Health - Throat

Cough-Cough-Cough! Get him a tin of Mecca Cough Pastilles From Chemists.

Views: 6,157    Year: 1950

Phillips' Dental Magnesia Toothpaste

Phillips' Dental Magnesia Toothpaste
Medicines & Health - Teeth, Toothpaste

A 'Magnesia Smile' invites Romance. All eyes on the girl with the magnesia smile! Such sparkling white teeth. Such healthy pink gums. Such sweet breath. Only Phillips' Dental Magnesia can give you that magnesia smile because only this toothpaste contains 'Milk of Magnesia' which many dentists advise for neutralizing harmful mouth acids.

Views: 7,637    Year: 1948

Icilma Foundation Cream

Icilma Foundation Cream
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

He was the last man I wanted to see then! But a girl knows admiration when she sees it! And while his look gave me a thrill, I returned thanks to Icilma...

Views: 7,414    Year: 1948

Snowfire Vanishing Cream

Snowfire Vanishing Cream
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

"The girl I'd marry, lets me talk a lot, a brunette probably, must have a lovely skin" said N.C.C., a journalist...

Views: 8,792    Year: 1948

Icilma Foundation Cream

Icilma Foundation Cream
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

I was in the middle of making a dress - when he called! Though my heart went pit-a-pat under the pins, I knew my make-up looked cool and nice, because I use Icilma...

Views: 6,692    Year: 1948     1 Comment

DDD Prescription

DDD Prescription
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

Good! it's g-o-i-n-g! He's using D.D.D. Prescription for his skin trouble. D.D.D. Prescription is non greasy and invisible in use - it sinks into the skin, ends irritation and promotes rapid healing...

Views: 6,253    Year: 1948


Medicines & Health - Teeth, Toothpaste

Couldn't imagine that my teeth could look better... but they're whiter and brighter now I've changed to Solidox...

Views: 842    Year: 1948


Medicines & Health - Toilet Rolls, Tissues etc

'Toilet tissue is a thing I always ask for by name' - Probably nobody is quicker to recognise good quality than the housewife. That's why, when it's a question of buying toilet tissue, so many insist on Velvex...

Views: 933    Year: 1948


Medicines & Health - Teeth, Toothpaste

Every time you use your Halex toothbrush a regiment of keen, pliant nylon tufts springs into action. With every stroke you make, the lively points go searching in and out of all the nooks and crannies - cleaning and polishing up your teeth.

Views: 5,660    Year: 1947


Medicines & Health - Teeth, Toothpaste

Someone should tell her (but nobody does) - Many a girl never finds out why her romances fizzle out. That's because, much as they dislike Oral Offence, people just can't bring themselves to tell a girl she's guilty of it...

Views: 14,110    Year: 1947


Medicines & Health - Indigestion

"I'll give you one more chance." Nervous debility reacts on the digestive organs and so aggravates the condition. Palliatives are inclined to do the same...

Views: 2,728    Year: 1947

Bisaturated Magnesia

Bisaturated Magnesia
Medicines & Health - Indigestion

This Phone Girl says 'It needs a nimble brain on my job, but I steer clear of lassitude - a sign of indigestion - with Bisaturated Magnesia.' This reliable remedy for digestive upsets neutralises all excess acid in the stomach, and relieves the symptoms of indigestion.

Views: 5,770    Year: 1946

Cadum Ointment

Cadum Ointment
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

Quick Relief for all Skin Affections. If you have skin trouble end it quickly and completely with Cadum. Its germ-killing, tissue-building ingredients clear up skin affections almost overnight.

Views: 7,593    Year: 1946     1 Comment

Gibbs Dentifrice

Gibbs Dentifrice
Medicines & Health - Teeth, Toothpaste

FOR YOU - and the children too! Gibbs Dentifrice. Cleansing. Refreshing. Economical. The family choice for over 30 years.

Views: 25,781    Year: 1946     23 Comments

Macleans Tooth Paste

Macleans Tooth Paste
Medicines & Health - Teeth, Toothpaste

Did you Maclean your teeth to-day? That's my choice! Macleans Tooth Paste - 1/1 per tube.

Views: 9,676    Year: 1946


Medicines & Health - Fem. Hygiene

Rendells Approved by Doctors - Obtainable from all Chemists - Ask your Chemist for a free copy of "Hygiene for Women" by Nurse Drew.

Views: 6,953    Year: 1939


Medicines & Health - Teeth, Toothpaste

Spotlight on Economy. A War-Time Money Saver. Get a tube of Kolynos to-day. ¬? an inch goes a long way.

Views: 7,670    Year: 1939

DeWitts Pills

DeWitts Pills
Medicines & Health - Cure All

Backache. Only those who suffer can realise the utter misery, the maddening torture, the dreadful weakness that backache brings... They are safe and sure in all cases of Rheumatism, Backache, Joint Pains, Lumbago or any Urinary Irregularities. DeWitts Brand Kidney and Bladder Pills.

Views: 8,151    Year: 1938

Euthymol Toothpaste

Euthymol Toothpaste
Medicines & Health - Teeth, Toothpaste

A Good Feature! Good Teeth! Sound teeth are essential to good health and good health is essential to Beauty. Brush your teeth with Euthymol and you help to guard your health, for Euthymol keeps clean your mouth, teeth and gums. It is an antiseptic tooth paste that dentists have been recommending for over 40 years. Buy a large 1s. 3d. tube from your chemist or you can send for a 7-day free sample...

Views: 22,058    Year: 1938     3 Comments

Slim from within! Innerclean Herbs

Slim from within! Innerclean Herbs
Medicines & Health - Dieting

Have a trim and attractive figure and wear the gowns you like. The safest, surest way to take INNERCLEAN. A mixture of medicinal herbs, INNERCLEAN corrects constipation gently and naturally; helps your system to be splendidly in order ALWAYS. Just a coffee-spoonful of INNERCLEAN (dry from the packet) washed down with water...

Views: 6,653    Year: 1938

Sure Shield Throat Tablets

Sure Shield Throat Tablets
Medicines & Health - Throat

A Demonstrator Says 'I daren't risk a 'throat'!' - In my job it is essential that my throat is always in top-top condition - and having to talk all day, and work in crowded atmospheres (particularly risky when Infections are about), I am never without 'SURE SHIELD' Iodised Throat Tablets...

Views: 7,053    Year: 1938

Neverill Old Salts

Neverill Old Salts
Medicines & Health - Cure All

A Spoonful a Day Keeps the Doctor Away. The best morning Saline for Biliousness, Constipation, Disordered Stomach, Sluggish Liver, Bladder and Kidney Troubles, Gout, Rheumatism, Feverishness, Obesity, etc...

Views: 7,806    Year: 1936     2 Comments