Fashion & Clothing

Photos 151 - 175 of 230
Old England

Old England
Fashion & Clothing - Menswear

that's a nice shirt - Even if your world is upside down you feel a great sense of well-being when wearing an "Old England" shirt - as the Old England lion remarked to a passer-by.

Views: 6,106    Year: 1950

Coopers Y-Front Underwear

Coopers Y-Front Underwear
Fashion & Clothing - Menswear

The underwear for a man! Ask by name in any good Man's Shop for Coopers Y-front, the scientifically designed Underwear with these exclusive features: Lastex-yarn waist...

Views: 13,328    Year: 1950     3 Comments

Tootal Broadhurst Lee Co. Ltd

Tootal Broadhurst Lee Co. Ltd
Fashion & Clothing - Menswear

and TOOTAL Guaranteed! Tootal ties are washable and marked tebilized for tested crease-resistance.

Views: 7,691    Year: 1950


Fashion & Clothing - Childrenswear

Happy as the day... From early morning frolic to bedtime pillow fight, the children are safe in Chilprufe. The finest of all Pure Wool underwear combines with its unique all-weather protection a soft, cosy comfort, beautiful finish and extreme durability...

Views: 10,923    Year: 1950     2 Comments


Fashion & Clothing - Footwear

Wearra All-The-Year-Rounders ensure your comfortable fit whatever width you need - Slim, Medium or Broad.

Views: 6,607    Year: 1950

Glosdura Shirt

Glosdura Shirt
Fashion & Clothing - Menswear

Dressed for the occasion. The hunt is worth while - if you secure a "Glosdura" Shirt.

Views: 6,052    Year: 1950


Fashion & Clothing - Footwear

Warm hearted "Huskees" - Handsome bootees to welcome winter. Supple suede, lamb's wool and crepe rubber-snug and comfortable. 65/-

Views: 6,296    Year: 1950

Meltonian Cream

Meltonian Cream
Fashion & Clothing - Footwear

Typist's error... was to neglect her shoes. A daily beauty treatment with Meltonian Cream was what they needed to keep their new look much longer. Sold in White for any coloured leather needing a bright shine and in fashionable shades.

Views: 6,108    Year: 1950


Fashion & Clothing - Ladieswear

Cute from every angle in a KANGOL. The British Beret.

Views: 6,505    Year: 1950

Jantzen Knitting Mills Ltd

Jantzen Knitting Mills Ltd
Fashion & Clothing - Ladieswear

Shape Ahoy! You'll sight a Jantzen miles off - they're so sensational this summer. Woven with Lastex to give neater, slimmer lines Jantzens have dreamy colours, dashing designs, exciting new tricks with boned bras and removable straps...

Views: 7,075    Year: 1950

J.B. Foundations

J.B. Foundations
Fashion & Clothing - Ladieswear

that's what I call a lovely figure! ...there's better finish... and more ideas... in Gothic brassieres and... J.B. Foundations

Views: 6,133    Year: 1950     1 Comment

J.B. Foundations

J.B. Foundations
Fashion & Clothing - Corsets

The corset with the same stretch as the human skin. Dual Stretch by J.B. ...and GOTHIC is still the best of all brassieres, too...

Views: 7,484    Year: 1950     1 Comment

Watson Prickard

Watson Prickard
Fashion & Clothing - Menswear

Short stout men and tall men can be correctly fitted with a Watson Prickard ready-for-service Overcoat. There are different fittings for each chest size, and the style, cut and comfort will appeal to the most fastidious...

Views: 7,512    Year: 1950     2 Comments

Sharp's of Preston

Sharp's of Preston
Fashion & Clothing - Ladieswear

Lovely Clothes in the Latest Styles and Christmas Gifts that will enchant ...accessories too - from, Sharp's of Preston.

Views: 6,860    Year: 1950

Swan Shoes

Swan Shoes
Fashion & Clothing - Footwear

Made by fine craftsmen, and sold by good shoe shops and stores. Swan shoes are not too plentiful at present, but please ask for them.

Views: 1,066    Year: 1948

Radiac Shirts

Radiac Shirts
Fashion & Clothing - Menswear

It's a good shirt it it's a Radiac - Fashioned to fit - Woven to wear - No skimping - All shirts cut to a consistently liberal scale, giving full skirt and ample shoulder room...

Views: 1,054    Year: 1948

Sunflex Stockings

Sunflex Stockings
Fashion & Clothing - Ladieswear

Look for the dark slenderising seam - Here is the new Sunflex stocking which with its dark slenderising seam and special ankle fit, is in a class of its own and costs no more than ordinary seams...

Views: 1,038    Year: 1948

Swan Shoes

Swan Shoes
Fashion & Clothing - Footwear

Grandstand style - Swan Shoes - Sponsored by leading shoe shops and stores.

Views: 6,976    Year: 1947

Tescan Beaver Lamb

Tescan Beaver Lamb
Fashion & Clothing - Furs

Lady Mary Blanger beautiful wife of a well-known diplomat, wears a Tescan coat for travelling. So many well-dressed women choose Tescan Beaver Lamb because of its rich texture and long life.

Views: 9,396    Year: 1947     1 Comment

Dunlop Boots

Dunlop Boots
Fashion & Clothing - Footwear

Latex Dipped, Seamless for Satisfaction. There never was a process as good as Dunlop latex dipping for making reliable and comfortable rubber boots. By it they are made seamless, never to crack or leak, and of rubber which is at once more durable and yet more flexible than is possible by any other processes.

Views: 8,256    Year: 1947


Fashion & Clothing - Footwear

California sandal in beach sand and white. For personal shoppers at most good shoe shops...

Views: 3,262    Year: 1947

Kayser Bondor

Kayser Bondor
Fashion & Clothing - Ladieswear

Kayser Bondor Lingerie. Tailored with you in mind.

Views: 3,140    Year: 1947


Fashion & Clothing - Mens & Ladies

Golf jackets and raincoats. Windak Ltd., Poynton, Cheshire.

Views: 3,813    Year: 1947

North British Wellingtons

North British Wellingtons
Fashion & Clothing - Footwear

"May I walk in puddles?". "Yes - in your North British Wellingtons". Designed for comfort. Welded seams for strength.

Views: 2,692    Year: 1947


Fashion & Clothing - Footwear

You'll be glad you put your foot in it. You'll make no mistake with Morlands Sheepskin Boots or Slippers; their soft fleece cushions the foot.

Views: 2,767    Year: 1947