Medicines & Health

Photos 151 - 175 of 179
Tokalon Skin Food

Tokalon Skin Food
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

A Jealous Wife's Confession. I knew my husband's affection was cooling off. At 20 I had a pretty face and fresh clear skin. But housework and bringing up two children soon brought lines and wrinkles. At 30 I could easily have been taken for 40. Then I read about the amazing discovery...

Views: 7,524    Year: 1936

DDD Prescription

DDD Prescription
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

Skin Beauty in Every Drop - test for yourself a generous trial bottle Free. Care of the skin should be more than simply using Beauty Aids. A healthy, flawless skin is a necessity for ladies who wish to be lovely. D.D.D. Brand Prescription is the very thing...

Views: 7,354    Year: 1935

Queens Health & Liver Salt

Queens Health & Liver Salt
Medicines & Health - Indigestion

Let Queens Health & Liver Salt bring you good health. A healthy family is a happy family.

Views: 5,811    Year: 1935

Kutnow's Powder

Kutnow's Powder
Medicines & Health - Dieting

Her figure is the envy of all. She doesn't have to diet or go in for violent exercises in order to keep her figure. She's learnt that it's far better and safer to rely on a morning glass of Kutnow's Powder...

Views: 10,808    Year: 1935

Odol Tooth Paste

Odol Tooth Paste
Medicines & Health - Teeth, Toothpaste

Odol Tooth Paste is one of the best I have ever prescribed to my patients.

Views: 5,907    Year: 1933

Clark's Glycola

Clark's Glycola
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

Makes rough hands smooth. Beautifies the complexion. For Beautiful Hands use Clark's Glycola. Protect your skin by using Clark's Glycola - a little massaged well into the skin will keep your hands smooth, soft and youthful - used regularly before you go out, at night, and in the morning, it will prevent ugly chapped hands and chilblains...

Views: 6,055    Year: 1933

Beethams Larola

Beethams Larola
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

Your hair may be lovely... But is your complextion right and have you flawless hands? A perfect gown, lovely hair and exquisite complexion may all be marred if you have red or roughened hands. Be sure to give them the unfailing protection of Larola...

Views: 6,724    Year: 1933

Euthymol Toothpaste

Euthymol Toothpaste
Medicines & Health - Teeth, Toothpaste

The Man Who Counts. Fifteen, sixteen, seventeen. How many sound teeth have you? Your dentist will tell you. He will probably also tell you to use Euthymol Tooth Paste and so guard your teeth against dental decay germs. 1/3 from all Chemists.

Views: 7,672    Year: 1933     1 Comment

Calvert's Carbolic Tooth Powder

Calvert's Carbolic Tooth Powder
Medicines & Health - Teeth, Toothpaste

Powder Your Teeth. It's a good old British habit, this cleaning your teeth with powder. For over fifty years now Calvert's has been proving that powder cleans as nothing else can...

Views: 7,961    Year: 1931

Zepto Pencil

Zepto Pencil
Medicines & Health - Teeth, Toothpaste

'Zepto' Antiseptic Tartar Remover. Banish tartar and stains with a Zepto Pencil. Fine, dry powder is the ivory craftman's polishing medium. The Zepto Pencil - pointed for your convenient use - will give your teeth just that same gleaming polish...

Views: 7,905    Year: 1928     2 Comments

Glymiel Jelly

Glymiel Jelly
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

Nobody in our family suffers from chapped hands "Glymiel" Jelly stops all that.

Views: 12,978    Year: 1924     1 Comment

Iron Jelloids

Iron Jelloids
Medicines & Health - Tonics, Vitamins etc

Iron Jelloids Make Healthy Happy Homes. The Great Tonic. The Great Aid to Health...

Views: 11,361    Year: 1924     1 Comment


Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

Woman's Most Valuable Possession. Every woman knows the fascination and charm exercised by a beautiful complexion; how men admire a skin soft and free from blemishes; how even the plainest features are forgotten when the possessor has cheeks like the damask rose and neck white as ivory.

Views: 6,196    Year: 1923

Pond's Cold Cream and Vanishing Cream

Pond's Cold Cream and Vanishing Cream
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

The woman who wishes to make the most of her complexion should take a leaf out of the book of this well known British Film Star. The regular use of Pond's Cold Cream and Pond's Vanishing Cream ensures the highest degree of skin-beauty...

Views: 12,263    Year: 1923

Anzora Vanishing Cream

Anzora Vanishing Cream
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

My Choice because it is so delightfully refreshing and cooling to my skin. It is exquisitely perfumed and free from grease and keeps my complexion clear and smooth. Anzora Queen of Vanishing Cream.

Views: 6,747    Year: 1922

Erasmic Vanishing Cream

Erasmic Vanishing Cream
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

Erasmic Vanishing Cream. Preserves the freshness and intensifies the beautiful natural colour of the skin.

Views: 7,368    Year: 1919

Rowlands' Kalydor

Rowlands' Kalydor
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

Soft, delicate skin - A beautiful complexion and face, neck, and arms of matchless whiteness are insured to those ladies who use Rowlands' Kalydor. Most curative, healing, and refreshing...

Views: 8,024    Year: 1904

The 'MENE' Sanitary Towels

The 'MENE' Sanitary Towels
Medicines & Health - Fem. Hygiene

Ladies Say The 'MENE' Sanitary Towels are superior to all makes for Cleanliness, Comfort and Economy.

Views: 9,401    Year: 1902

Allan's Anti-Fat

Allan's Anti-Fat
Medicines & Health - Dieting

Purely Vegetable, perfectly harmless. Will reduce from two to five pounds per week; acts on the food in the stomach, preventing its conversion into fat.

Views: 9,102    Year: 1898

Floriline for the Teeth and Breath

Floriline for the Teeth and Breath
Medicines & Health - Teeth, Toothpaste

Is the best Liquid Dentifrice in the World. Prevents the decay of the teeth. Renders the teeth pearly white. Is perfectly harmless and delicious to the taste.

Views: 6,159    Year: 1898

Carter's Little Liver Pills

Carter's Little Liver Pills
Medicines & Health - Cure All

Cure all Liver ills. For Headache, Dizziness, Bilidusness, Torpid Liver, Constipation, Sallow Skin, Complexion.

Views: 8,470    Year: 1898

Steedman's Powders

Steedman's Powders
Medicines & Health - Childrens

Steedman's Soothing Powders for Children cutting Teeth. Relieve Feverish Heat. Prevent Fits, Convulsions etc. Preserve a Healthy State of the Constitution during the period of Teething.

Views: 11,406    Year: 1895     4 Comments

Sozodont for the Teeth

Sozodont for the Teeth
Medicines & Health - Teeth, Toothpaste

Rack and Ruin will overtake the teeth if they are not cleansed every day. Therefore be wise in time, ere your teeth are irretrievably gone and the beauty of the mouth disfigured, and hasten to burnish and invigorate them with that delightful antiseptic dentifrice Sozodont...

Views: 6,534    Year: 1890     1 Comment

Dr. Gordon's Elegant Pills

Dr. Gordon's Elegant Pills
Medicines & Health - Dieting

Too Fat!! Dr. Gordon's Elegant Pills. Cure Stoutness rapidly and certainly.

Views: 8,900    Year: 1890

Rowland's Kalydor

Rowland's Kalydor
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

Cooling and Refreshing - during the heat and dust of summer are the effects of Rowland's Kalydor on the face and hands of ladies and all exposed to the hot sun. It removes Freckles, Tan, Sunburn, Redness, and Roughness...

Views: 10,244    Year: 1890