
Photos 176 - 200 of 255

Food - Tea, Coffee etc

As puss' sleeps by the fire - lazy, comfortable, completely relaxed - do you envy his sound slumbers? Restless, fitful nights never restore your energy in the way you need. Have a beakerful of Bourn-vita before you go to bed - it's soothing influence helps to bring deep, unbroken sleep.

Views: 7,770    Year: 1950


Food - Baking

Green's famous 5 for the housewife. Because these are Products of Quality which ensure success... because they represent REAL value for money... GREEN'S "FAMOUS 5" are RELIED on by Housewives all over the country...

Views: 8,230    Year: 1950     1 Comment


Food - Confectionery

Music, Music, Music! "All I want is loving you, and music, music, music - except of course, I'd like a box of Carefree, Carefree, Carefree too." Naturally, she wanted delicious Carefree Chocolates - because Carefree are the best value in chocolates there's ever been...

Views: 7,382    Year: 1950


Food - Confectionery

Double attraction! Thrilling! Starring Orson Onepoint a crafty type who wants value for money - Winsome Wantmore a charmer who loves wisely and well...

Views: 7,062    Year: 1950

Harden's Tea

Harden's Tea
Food - Tea, Coffee etc

Ask for Harden's Tea in the red packet and drink better tea... on the strength of it!

Views: 7,080    Year: 1950


Food - Baking

It's an odd house where there's no OXO.

Views: 10,736    Year: 1950     2 Comments

Feathery Flake Self Raising Flour

Feathery Flake Self Raising Flour
Food - Baking

The secret of all successful home-baking is to be found in every bag of... Feathery Flake The Quality Self Raising Flour. Buy a bag today and prove this for yourself!

Views: 9,485    Year: 1948

Rowntree's Cocoa

Rowntree's Cocoa
Food - Tea, Coffee etc

Honeybunch, the early bird, and the worm. Feelin' kinda hungry? Me - I'd have a cuppa Rowntree's. Rowntree's Cocoa. So grateful - so genial - so GOOD.

Views: 8,983    Year: 1948


Food - Confectionery

Mars Are Marvellous You'll certainly agree! Just taste these chunks of sheer delicious goodness made with chocolate to sustain, glucose to energise, milk to nourish you. 3¬?d.

Views: 8,028    Year: 1948


Food - Confectionery

Compare the quality - Thick coating of milk chocolate, rich caramel layer, delicious centre of malt, chocolate, glucose and sugar - all whipped in white egg. That's Mars quality...

Views: 7,759    Year: 1948

Weston's Biscuits

Weston's Biscuits
Food - Biscuits

As light as a Weston's Cream Cracker! Eat one plain - with nothing else. It is the only way to know how excellently good are Weston's Cream Crackers...

Views: 689    Year: 1948

Wilkinsons Liquorice Allsorts

Wilkinsons Liquorice Allsorts
Food - Confectionery

His First Words - I Want Wilkinsons Liquorice Allsorts.

Views: 9,399    Year: 1947

Monk & Glass

Monk & Glass
Food - Desserts, Jelly etc

Monk & Glass is jolly good Custard.

Views: 11,328    Year: 1947

Robertsons Jams

Robertsons Jams
Food - Jams, Spreads etc

Jam full of goodness! Made by the makers of Golden Shred.

Views: 2,682    Year: 1947

McDougalls Flour

McDougalls Flour
Food - Baking

Me for McDougall's self-raising flour. Miss Janet Johnston, McDougall's cookery expert, gladly advises on your cooking problems...

Views: 3,433    Year: 1947

Crawford's biscuits

Crawford's biscuits
Food - Biscuits

"What is that?" shouted the Queen. "It's a Crawford's Cream Cracker, your majesty," said Alice...

Views: 3,205    Year: 1947


Food - Biscuits

Mr. Peek: Here's Grandpa tripping down the street. Mr. Frean: He must have changed to Vita-Weat! Peek Frean's...

Views: 3,304    Year: 1947

Hindhaughs Flour

Hindhaughs Flour
Food - Baking

Something very good from the north country. We, Hindhaughs of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, take pride in our self-raising flour, encouraged thereto by the nice things users say about it...

Views: 3,167    Year: 1947


Food - Baking

Marmite makes a good pie better. Tinned meat, fresh meat or vegetables - whatever is under the crust, will be good and tasty if you add some Marmite...

Views: 2,719    Year: 1947


Food - Baking

The OXO-English disctionary. Enrich, (v.t.) make rich add to contents of; make rich in quality and flavour etc. Hence Enrichment, (n.) that which is enriched with OXO...

Views: 2,536    Year: 1947

Little Miss Muffet Junket

Little Miss Muffet Junket
Food - Childrens

They'll love milk this way. Milk is liked by everyone when eaten as Little Miss Muffet Junket! More easily digested, because the tough curd is broken up. Yet all milk's goodness is retained, because you don't boil - only warm - the milk...

Views: 17,553    Year: 1946     6 Comments

Cleeves Sweets

Cleeves Sweets
Food - Confectionery

Piqued? Just a little thoughtfulness wanted - a few Cleeves sweets, that's all. Cleeves Ltd., Makers of Quality Sweets, Cleevedale Park, London, S.W.4.

Views: 7,421    Year: 1946

Weston Biscuits

Weston Biscuits
Food - Biscuits

Jolly good biscuits! The new boy will quickly find consolation in Weston biscuits. They give delight, and they give energy. Made from the finest ingredients obtainable, in the splendid modern Weston factories, they are indeed 'Jolly good biscuits!'

Views: 9,785    Year: 1946     1 Comment

Co-operative Top Quality

Co-operative Top Quality
Food - Bread

The finest loaf you can buy! Baked at our Model Bakery under Hygienic Conditions.

Views: 9,178    Year: 1945

Jenner's Soyacream

Jenner's Soyacream
Food - Health Food

Jenner's Soyacream, the Modern Vitamin Drink for Health, Energy & Fitness... every ounce contains 110 units of vitamin B1..

Views: 7,294    Year: 1944