Medicines & Health
Torpid Liver Pills
Medicines & Health - Cure All
Positively cured by these little pills. They also relieve stress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue, Pain in the Side, etc. They regulate the Bowels and prevent Constipation and Piles.
Views: 7,069 Year: 1890
Powells Balsam of Aniseed
Medicines & Health - Throat
Powells Balsam of Aniseed. The surest cough medicine. TRY IT!
Views: 7,179 Year: 1890 1 Comment
Beethams Glycerine and Cucumber
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions
Beethams Glycerine and Cucumber is the Most Perfect Preparation for Preserving and Beautifying THE SKIN ever produced. Roughness, Redness, Chaps, &c., is almost magical, and by its use THE SKIN is rendered SOFT, SMOOTH, AND WHITE, and preserved from all the ill effects of Frost, Cold Winds, and Hard Water...
Views: 12,988 Year: 1890
Ozone Paper
Medicines & Health - Cure All
Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, Bronchitic Asthma, Hay Fever and Influenza. The 'Lancelot.' - 'A convenient and valuable remedy.' Dr. Thorowgood - 'Pure and spasmodic Asthma and Asthma due to Emphysema of the lungs with co-existent bronchitis alike appear to me to be materially relieved by the Ozone Paper.'
Views: 9,596 Year: 1890