Allenburys Foods

Food > Childrens

1 Comment

Allenburys Foods
Allenburys Foods
Year: 1910
Views: 11,169
Item #: 122
The 'Allenburys' Foods. The 'Allenburys' Milk Food No. 1 consists of fresh cow's milk scientifically modified so as to closely resemble human milk on composition...
Source: The Illustrated London News. May 21, 1910

Comment by: Ruth Jevons on 12th August 2017 at 22:42

Looking for information about Allenburys Milk Cocoa.
I have a photo of my mother as a small child drinking the above & she told me that this was on the wrapper of the tin of cocoa. I understand that her father worked for Allenburys at the time - around 1918.
I have not been able to find an example & would appreciate any further information.