Advert Museum
Advert Museum
White & Co. (Earls Barton) Ltd.
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White & Co. (Earls Barton) Ltd.
Year: 1956
Year: 1956
Views: 9,344
Item #: 1726
Item #: 1726
'Crown' range of footwear is made by experts for men of taste. White & Co. (Earls Barton) Ltd. Earls Barton.
Source: Directory of British Footwear Exporters, 1956
Source: Directory of British Footwear Exporters, 1956
White's started making a Tredair range in 1976 which was much more comfortable and still available from my shoe shop in gibson and ankle-boot styles. The label was printed on the shame shoes as the Doc Marten logo until the mid 1980s: White's Daventry factory produced about 7000 pairs a year of DMs at a time when several UK factories held a UK licence. You can see more on . After closure as a large business, one of the White brothers maintains a shoe procurement and design business at while the other lives in the USA and designs Chinese-made shoes for his brands including Emily Strange and TUK.