Capstick & Hamer

Fashion & Clothing > Furs

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Capstick & Hamer
Capstick & Hamer
Year: 1958
Views: 11,068
Item #: 222
Fur News - Capstick and Hamer are a fur house, that is to say, they not only retail, but also manufacture very fine Fur Coats, Stoles, Jackets, Ties, etc. If you are thinking of getting a fur, translate thought into action by coming to Capstick and Hamer; they will be delighted to show you their stocks or measure you up for a 'tailor made'.
Source: Lancashire Life, November 1958.

Comment by: Heather Birnie on 26th February 2022 at 06:00

Maurice Capstick and his wife Eleanor emigrated to New Zealand in ( estimated) early 1970's. They stayed with my parents at their guest house in Oamaru in the South Island. They became lifelong friends and Eleanor was my adopted "Tante" Eleanor. She taught me French, played a baby grand piano and had an inside Siamsese cat. All things which to a young girl from small provincial town were rather eccentric/ exciting. Their homes were furnished with grand antiques and many fur throws. They didn't have children and I believe they later moved to the town of Picton and both passed away in New Zealand.