Blakes Motors

Transport > Cars

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Blakes Motors
Blakes Motors
Year: 1958
Views: 10,306
Item #: 232
TOP FLIGHT - The superb Vauxhall Cresta will pass the most critical judgement with colours flying. Visit our Showrooms and admire the attractive new colours and upholstery designs. Choose your model from our our wide range. The Luxurious Cresta £715 p.t. £358.17s.
Source: Lancashire Life, November 1958.

Comment by: Michael on 28th September 2020 at 03:07

"Wow - what a good-looking car", my younger brother and I exclaimed, when our father proudly arrived home, at the wheel of his new Vauxhall Cresta in two-tone blue with whitewall tyres.

Many agreed its styling was indeed attractive - especially for the late 1950s when "dull & dowdy" was the norm with traditional British car styling.

Sadly, these 'superb' Crestas soon fell victim to corrosion. Some blamed poor rust proofing, others suggested it was due to inferior grades of steel having been used in their manufacture. My own opinion is that the salt liberally applied to icy roads, especially during the exceptionally cold Winter of 1962/63, had a marked effect in reducing their life spans.

Today very few of these fine cars remain, in the hands of dedicated collectors and enthusiasts.