Tilley Iron

Household > Appliances (small)


Tilley Iron
Tilley Iron
Year: 1953
Views: 10,243
Item #: 832
New! New! New! Tilley Paraffin Pressure Domestic Iron - No Wires - No Flexes! Enjoy yourself in Coronation year! Do away with Ironing-day "blues" the Tilley way...
Source: Picture Post. June 13, 1953

Comment by: justin sanford on 21st July 2017 at 12:31

great advert i have all of the tilley adverts for the iron bar this one!

Comment by: Gordon Lekakeny on 26th December 2011 at 14:01

Just recently i found out that my grandfather owned one of these!
It still works (not very well though) and was brought in Kenya (Africa) by the colonists and was apparently a gift from one general i was named after!

I might trade it in after sometime but hey! its worth the wait.