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Pears Soap
1 Comment
Pears Soap
Year: 1954
Year: 1954
Views: 8,684
Item #: 883
Item #: 883
Only Pears lets you see how pure it is! Hold a tablet of Pears up to a light - and see right through it. That's how pure Pears is. So pure it's ideal for young and old alike... right for the most sensitive skin...
Source: Picture Post. October 30, 1954
Source: Picture Post. October 30, 1954
Comment by: Michael on 11th October 2020 at 14:15
In the late 1950s and 1960s my mother ensured that a large bar of Pears soap was always on her weekly shopping list. With her two very active boys to keep clean, the bar all too quickly diminished in size to form a slender, oval shape.
At this point my mother followed the 'economy hint' printed on the next bar's wrapper, and press-fitted the remainder of the old bar into the oval recess of the new one. A clever idea, meaning that no soap was ever wasted.
Even into her eighties, my mother insisted on buying Pears soap, which, thankfully, was available up to her decease in 2016, and I think, still is.