Welgar Shredded Wheat

Food > Cereals


Welgar Shredded Wheat
Welgar Shredded Wheat
Year: 1954
Views: 16,326
Item #: 896
"I'm in cold storage until I've had my Welgar Shredded Wheat and hot milk" - Feel that glorious glow spread through you as you enjoy delicious Welgar Shredded Wheat and steaming hot milk! It's the nourishment you need for winter weather...
Source: Picture Post. November 6, 1954

Comment by: Gordon Ball on 26th February 2022 at 21:17

Hi, I have 2 every morning with hot milk and a little butter, I used to have 3 but my wife cut me down, ha, ha.

Comment by: Dorien Clifford on 24th January 2015 at 12:07

Hey, none of you noticed that the Welgar boy on the packet was holding a packet with on it a boy holding a packet with on it a boy etc etc?

Comment by: Joan Green on 14th August 2014 at 22:18

I am doing my family tree and know that some of them worked in the factories in the 1960's is there anywhere i can find a list of employes from that era i am mainly looking for a Nora Hickey maiden name Roche she was married to a Patrick Hickey and from what i can gather she had 2 boys i dont know if they are still alive or not if you have any ideas i am willing to try anything thanks

Comment by: June Scotter on 4th January 2014 at 17:35

My husband David Scotter was the boy in the Lifeguards Uniform on the front of the packet in 1936 and we have all the photos. He is now 80 and it definitely was him as his uncle Eddie Scotter was the phootographer

Comment by: Mrs H Scott-Williams on 4th October 2013 at 19:44

The Welgar Shredded Wheat boy was my father. His mother worked at the factory in Welwyn Gdn City. A competition was held for the children of employees there. Gustafa went dressed as a drummer boy. He took with him a tin drum. He won the competition and when it came to the part where the photos were being taken staff took his drum away and it was replaced with a box of Welgar Shredded Wheat. His response to that was to cry! He valued the drum more than a cereal box. However, he ate Shredded Wheat everyday often with hot milk throughout his long and happy healthy life before passing away peacefully in his sleep aged 80 years on the 17th April 2013. He was very proud to be the Welgar boy. If anybody has any information or photos to share, his family would be very eager to hear from you. Thank you. Daughter of Gustafa Andres Scott.

Comment by: Jean Williams on 6th April 2013 at 10:48

I have enjoyed 2 Shredded Wheats for breakfast almost every day since I was a kid, and I'm 72 now. I remember reading on the packet 'Britain makes it, it makes Britons', and I had always heard of 'Welyn Garden City' from a very early age. My mother used to use the cardboard cards (used to separate the layers in the packet) for shopping lists, etc, etc.
Somehow however, it doesn't seem to be the same as it used to be!!!! It looks different!!

Jean Williams Sussex

Comment by: Helen Scott-Williams on 15th March 2013 at 14:19

The drummer boy on the side of the Welgar Shredded Wheat is my Father. He is now 80 years old! His mother used to work at the factory in Welwyn Garden City. There was a fancy dress competition for employees children. My Father won. His name is Gustafa Andre Scott.

Comment by: Edna Reynolds on 8th July 2012 at 17:16

I used to go with my dad in his lorry to deliver goods to Welgar. I was never allowed into the factory and used to stay opposite with a kindly elderly lady. In those days there were fields opposite Shredded Wheat and the memory remains with me still 50+ years later.
Thank You Welgar.