Fashion & Clothing > Mens & Ladies
Year: 1953
Item #: 1089
Source: Picture Post. May 16, 1953
Gareth - Yes we do, invaluable at this time of the year when a sudden downpour can suddenly appear. He doesnt like wearing it at all but its a very practical coat, and keeps him dry when needed
I have just discovered this site by sheer accident and reading many of the comments it really brings back wonderful memories of days gone by when everyone...from adults to little ones wore macs
I have been a mac enthusiast for many preference like many is macs designed for ladies
Nylon macs for me are the tops although I suppose I am an all rounder when it comes to macs loving all kinds
Do any others ever wear them indoors..I am lucky...on my own since 1999 after 25 years of marriage I wear them all day every day unless I have to go out then as soon as I get home off with my gent"s mac and on with my ladies ones
Anna are you and your son still wearing your macs.
In reply to Susan and anyone else trying to find my Yahoo groups, have a go at pasting the addresses below into your browser.
Hey Collin
Tried to find your site on Yahoo Groups but came up with nothing.....Any suggestions ???
Pouring with rain today so I wore my PVC Pakamac in to shore and then around for the day.Not a drop of rain on my clothes. This raincoat is brillian.
Having said that I do prefer the look and feel of the nylon version better, but I like to stay as dry as possible when I can. PAKAMAC=Brilliant (O:
Since no one else appears to have started a Pakamac group I've started a Yahoo group called Rainwear-bound and although it's going to be more extensive than just Pakamacs and rainwear perhaps it'll provide a launch point for the rainwear afficianados on this website.
Lost track of this forum for a while and discovered it again! OMG somebody else has a nad-tex clear raincoat. I managed to get one of these on ebay and wish I had more of them. Sexy they are! Smooth crackling material that begs to be worn. I've recently also discovered one and two piece transparent suits that are designed as wet suits for kart racing. They work for all purposes indoors or out. I've used them on motorcycle as they show off whatever sports gear you have on underneath. My first attraction was a Sears "esti-glass" packamac type raincoat back in the fifties that I wore to school on rainy days. Later came the frosty clear cheerleader style rain jackets that were worn for EVERYTHING..biking, hiking, skiing, sports events, you name it. can we get that tradition started once again?
I see men's styles (not my interest) had their own names too. There's been a navy nylon mac on ebay in the style named Ainsdale.
I have been watched the contributions to this site over the past few weeks and it's good to see there is other likewised nylon mac people. Keep it up. In addition has anyone looked at the Rainmac site as they have updated their nylon mac range with a shorty version and when I phoned to ascertain if this could be purchased in a men style I was advised that it was something which they were considering.
Again, an urgent message to Susan-could you please re-submit your latest e-mail, as it "disappeared" as soon as I tried to open it! Many thanks in anticipation!
And-for all of our Pakamac enthusiasts-isn't it wonderful that the weather is improving and temperatures are rising! Soon our Pakamacs will be adorning the streets again! My next detailed contribution will probably be concerned with two more variations on our favourite theme. In the meantime, keep wearing them and loving them...
Rainstar macs were indeed lovely, as Gareth and Susan(my terrific contact!)have implied. I remember seeing a girl wearing a light orange-beige nylon one in 1992, and I just had to have one. It certainly lived up to expectations. And, yes, they made lovely plastic macs too, some of the lady's macs being see-through. Their male plastic macs were shiny grey, but unlike Pakamacs, were not see-through, However, they were very practical and exciting to wear, and do turn up occasionally on e-bay. I have one, from this source, beautifully "worn in" from many downpours, with the seller descrbing at as "lovely for splashing around in the rain"-a beautifully exciting selling point!
Another lovely brand of plastic and nylon macs was "Nad-Tex", which again occasionally turn up on e-bay. Their semi-trans plastic macs are always described as "sexy" and INDEED THEY ARE!! The macs are somewhat stiffer, and less supple than many others, and more stubborn to roll up, but they more than compensate for this by being so "noisy" and crackly to wear. These plastic macs are lovely to wear, fairly breathable and comfortable and, of course, fully waterproof, and generously hooded-ideal for enjoying the downpours, and for indoor pleasure and recreation too.
So, STAY-DRY and NAD-TEX, two more variations on the inexhaustible PAKAMAC theme, so beloved of Susan and myself. We have both been sharing really intimate thoughts and emotions about plastic macs, through personal e-mails, and we hope to take all of this much further. So, Susan, if you are reading this, I am assembling another message, which I hope to finalise and send in the next day or two. I could write about plastic macs for ever....
Pamela have you survied the harsh winter in your plastic mac hope you are well.
I can't understand why the Rainstar nylon mac disappeared. They were sold, in my experience, in some fairly large stores, like John Lewis for example. They certainly seemed to sell quickly in the 1990s. One of my favourite shops sold them but 'overnight' they disappeared, to be replaced with the YB Wet label. The nylon macs were exactly the same, the packaging was the same (except for the logo). In both cases the pakaging was very similar to the Pakamac packaging, that I recall from the 70s/80s.
What happened to the Rain Star nylon macs why did they stop and do any ladies still wear them.
I hope you received my message Brian, last night. I'm afraid it was quite garbled, as I wrote it rather quickly and on rereading it this morning it didn't make much sense to me.
I hope we can exchange more messages regarding our love of foldaway raincoats and Pakamacs.
Another lovely contribution from Susan-you are really stealing the show! Like you, I remember when see-through rainwear-both jackets and macs--hit the streets in the mid-late seventies. Like you, I tried the jackets first, but then found the full-length macs more appealing. The first time I saw a girl wearing an emerald-green full length mac, casually, I nearly went out of my mind with excitement, and I could not wait to buy some of these items for myself. And inside the collar, beneath the hood, was a tag bearing our favourite word-"PAKAMAC"-that absolue guarantee that these were simply the finest and most beautiful garments of their kind. C & A and Debenham's, however, did run them very close, and, in particular, I have a beautiful semi-transparent, emerald-green, draw-string C & A mac that gives me great pleasure when I wear it indoors.
Do try and overcome your apprehension of used items, especially when some of these are so interesting and unusual. Don't deny yourself these added pleasures, especially when their condition is frequently very good. One of my most beautiful plastic mackintoshes was acquired second-hand, grey with a slight hint of blue, and very slightly see-through. It rolls up beautifully to Pakamac size. This is a plastic mackintosh that I do want to wear out of doors, in the rain.
At this moment, I am wearing one of my plastic cagoules again, grey-black semi trans(the original Pakamac colour), all zipped up, and I feel as good as I look!! Although I was going to order more this evening, I may change to plastic over-trousers to wear with them, and be completely waterproofed. I will let you know the outcome. For now, the very best waterproof wishes to you and everyone.
Susan, I feel you may have sent me a personal e-mail, but my e-mail facility is doing STRANGE THINGS, and it appears to have disappeared without my seeing it!! If this is the case, please, PLEASE keep sending it until I receive it and answer it, as its contents may be very important to both of us. Thank heaven for this website!!
At this moment, Susan, I am wearing one of those lovely PVC-U-LIKE see-through plastic cagoules, in grey-black, all zipped up, and it feels ABSOLUTELY LOVELY, just like a short zip-up plastic mac. I may be ordering more of these plastic cagoules this evening.
So, Susan, please let's hear from you. In the meantime, best wishes to the rest of you. Wear and enjoy your Pakamacs....
I couldn't agree more with what you say about waterproof words, they are lovely to both say and write, repeatedly.
Yes, "Pakamac" did indeed mean quality so sadly missed. At least some delightful items appear on ebay. Sadly, for me that is, I'm only tempted when the item is sold as 'unworn'. I can just imagine though, what a delight that cape must be to wear.
No I haven't tried the zip-up plastic cagoules. I remember a style of plastic cagoule was everywhere in the late 1970s, I didn't have any probably because there was also a resurgance with plastic macs, even buttoning ones which were my absolute priority. I have always adored the lightweight foldaway mac, the style that Pakamac embodied, and been drawn to them for as long as I had the power of concious thought.
A search in youtube for pakamac also works, as it does in google videos or bing videos.
Susan, it is lovely to hear from you again. Like you, I was completely unaware that Pakamac manufactured nylon capes as well as nylon mackintoshes, but, with the name "Pakamac" goes quality. Their grey-black, semi-transparent, lightweight, swishy plastic mackintoshes(aren't long, waterproof words lovely!) were simply the best EVER, and, although the field has been somewhat more competitive in nylon mackintoshes, I am sure you can bid for that cape with the utmost confidence. GO FOR IT!! and then tell us all what it is like to wear.
I have been extremely lucky with my bids on e-bay recently, and amongst other items, I am awaiting another glistening, crisp, navy nylon mackintosh from Susie High. I am really looking forward to wearing it.
Also, Susan, you mentioned having purchased items from PVC-U-Like, in particular those lovely macs, in the style of the 1950s, and which are so reminiscent of genuine Pakamacs. I couldn't agree more. I have one of these in natural semi-trans, but, later in the year perhaps, I hope to be acquiring the semi-trans black and the semi-trans baby blue too-just right for my more feminine moods! In fact, on You Tube(plastic macs), the semi-trans black is beautifully modelled by an attractive young lady(possibly a cross-dresser? Does it matter?!). It is a breezy day, and the wind fills her mac and blows it up beautifully. She models nylon macs too in the same manner-similar to the Asian girl I have mentioned previously.
And have you tried their zip-up plastic waterproof cagoules too? I am wearing one at this very moment, natural semi-trans, and the feeling is incredible-garments like these take your mind off the rain completely. The plastic is beautifully soft and almost rubbery, and the length is very generous, almost as long as a short mackintosh. They are hooded too, and they will please Peter in this respect!
Where Isobel and Ansley are concerned, Gareth, I could write a book filled with fantasies about them wearing plastic, nylon and rubber mackintoshes. There are no two people I would more like to see all macked up. But I won't say too much at this moment-other duties call! More will be revealed, little by little, in the fullness of time. In the meantime,I am so taken up with these plastic cagoules......
I was surprised to see that somebody has a 1960s Pakamac nylon cape for sale currently, on ebay. I seem to recall some queries last year and I for one didn't know that they produced capes. It's a pity the seller doesn't say what ladies name they were sold under, if they were at all, like the macs were.
Once again great comments from Brian I drove through Birmingham last year Brian and nerver saw one plastic mac call me a nosey old devil but please tell us more about Isobel and Ansley.
I hate wearing gray plastic raincoats for men, they are not equipped with hood.
Now I have bought several seethru raincoats for ladies in various colors like seethru green, blue and colorless crystal clear with hood. I am enjoying them really very much
and I don't look sissy at all!
There are some wonderful, wonderful, WONDERFUL people who are posting comments on this site. Thank you, Susan and Norman, for your contributions today. Whether you are male, female, or cross-dresser, what the blazes does it matter? With our love of rainwear, centering on the original Pakamac prototype, we have something that many others haven't, as I ONCE wrote in a letter to Julie at PVC-U LIKE. Could it be that our opposite numbers are jealous?
Returning to your comments, Susan, I have bought some of the "fifties" macs from Plastique Unique too, and they are breathtaking. I was lucky enough to secure three of the male ones, grey and beautifully see-through, rolling up to Pakamac size. It is these, more than any other macs, that I want to wear with John-Paul, when walking in green suburban Birmingham, in gentle showers and sunny intervals. I have mentioned Isobel, who lives with her close friend, Ansley. If only we could form a mackintosh-loving foursome! Time alone will tell.
Good for you Susan.....I think this is a good forum for people that are into mac's and if you are trans gender or not should be irrelavent. We all need to be who we want to be in this life, without fear or care of what others may think. There problem not ours.
If we had a web site that we could put some pictures up on I think that would be fun. Ning does free sites for people if they want to set one up.
As long as there is no porn you can post pictures and add forums to your hearts content.
I wouldn't have any problem with posting a few pictures, it could be fun (O:
I didn't buy the 'Sandy' style from Plastique Unique, in my many purchases from there, but did buy some of their genuine 1950s plastic macs. They were exactly as Susie described them on the site and so like what I remembered plastic Pakamacs were like. They had to be from the 50s, so different from the more modern ones. Having said that, I love the 1950s style ones that pvc-u-like sell. Not a million miles away from Pakamacs.
I hope you get back in touch with your friend Brian. I think more of us should be showing ourselves to the world. Our love for pakamacs is no different from the love expressed by people with a love for other things, we are just in the minority. I'm sure that we will always be the butt of derision but we have to stand up to intolerance just like other minorities. I'm sure that our 'community' has the same spectrum, good or bad, of people in any other 'community', but I for one am not skulking around in the shadows.
Before anyone asks, my name does not reflect my birth gender, just the way I live openly now.
It is great to hear from you again, Gareth, and thank you for your encouraging remarks. It is a pity that, by and large, women do not share our love of plastic macs. I would love to have macked Isobel up in a see-through mackintosh, but there we are. But on the other hand, I am looking forward to meeting John-Paul properly, and really sharing our love of plastic macs as never before. As I have said before, John-Paul has some really fabulous semi-transparent plastic mackintoshes in the best Pakamac traditions, and it will be a pleasure to wear them with him. In particular, one of his images contains several of his plastic macs, all beautifully rolled up, just waiting to be worn and enjoyed.
I have been corresponding with John-Paul, sharing some of my Pakamac experiences, and I fear I may have been a little too explicit in my descriptions. So if you are reading this, John, please accept my apologies, and do contact me again to reassure me that things are OK. John's see-through macs are simply out of this world, and it is all too easy to get carried away when writing.
Coming back to your remarks, Gareth, yes, I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE plastic macs-indeed, I cannot tell you how much I love plastic macs-in fact I am wearing one at this very moment. Is it enthusiasm, fetishism, or downright perversion? Whatever it is, I am just past caring as I love plastic macs so much. And nylon macs. And rubber ones too, although they are SO damned expensive.
I love plastic macs and there will be many more comments to come. I hope all the rest of you are enjoying your macs too....
Brian It is a great pity all the women in the UK do not share your love of wearing plastic macs if you ask a lady to wear lacy underwear or high heels you are Jack the lad ask her to wear a plastic mac at best you will be Kinky at worst a pervert not very fair is it.
"Plastique Unique" retailed some beautiful black see-through plastic macs, in the best "Pakamac" tradition. They were maanufactured by "Go", and were given the name "Sandy" by Susie and Alan Boult, the proprietors. Although they fastened on the male side, they were suitable for ladies too. Unlike original Pakamacs, which were smooth and sleek, these macs were deliciously rumpled and somewhat oversized, making for a good air circulation inside the macs, and making them very breathable. They roll up beautifully to that irresistible Pakamac size. One lovely feature about these macs was the low-down pockets, which made it easy for the wearer to "hug" the mac around the body. They are beautifully rustly and noisy too. Someone contacted me personally by e-mail(who reads this blog regularly, but is not an active contributor, who has worn them and compares them unfavourably to Pakamacs, but I disagree. They are lovely macs to wear,especially for long walks in showery weather and are yet another variation on the Pakamac theme.
If anyone has worn one of these macs, I would be very interested to know what they thought of them. In the meantime, LOVE your Pakamacs, and savour to the full that ecstatic Pakamac experience...
Well done John you have frightend Kim away.
Kim, I'd love to hear more about your nylon mac for UK old where you, did you like wearing it etc etc. I was loved wearing a nylon mac when I was younger but was always torn between the pleasure of wearing it and what others thought.....shame looking back !!!