Fashion & Clothing > Mens & Ladies
Year: 1953
Item #: 1089
Source: Picture Post. May 16, 1953
doing my house work today. full fem with rustling navy nylon pakamc on. will go for walk later is cool so will be wearing a mackintosh.
Still holidaying when we can and last year quite often in the rain!!
Looks like we might get the chance to wear a mac this weekend, I will be in my gents grey plastic long mac, curtsy from jenny
Yes, Marks and Spencer did sell lightweight nylon macs from the mid 60’s. My mum bought a navy blue example that she wore regularly through to the early ‘70’s. The early ones, like my mums had a pocket on either side with a flap covering. I loved this mac, and still get a buzz when I see a nylon mac being worn.
Hello, would anyone here care to discuss a real interest in Pakamacs, as well as other things involving plastic, but discussed especially from a male perspective, for I have no interest in cross dressing, I am sorry, but hope you will understand
Plastic Pakamac.
What ever happened to Constance & others Rob and his wife miss them all
It was lovely to be able to see so many of Madam Susans raincoats, and thank you for being understanding about my excitement (blush). curtsy from jenny
i know mac /mackintoshes are called rainwear .but that does not mean they cannot be worn out in dry weather or indoors,
whilst they are good for keeping out the rain mackintoshes are for pleasure.
Yes Sir I do wear as often as I can but got to close curtains lol. I hope you like the pics.
curtsy from jenny
Oh,Jenny, do get used to wearing your macs indoors, where you can enjoy them to the full, with no one watching! And thanks for your second e-mail. I will be in touch, and I hope we can share much more.
Hello, I never thought it possible to get plastic raincoat with drawl symtoms. I am also wishing for the dark nights and rain. I have just received an olive green knee length mac I got from e bay.
curtsy from jenny
I have to admit that I haven’t yet put on one of my lovely macs during lockdown. The weather has been amazing all the time, hardly any rain. That of course is no excuse. However, I have been immersed, looking through newspaper archives, in a world of mackintoshes while looking at old adverts and reading the many articles devoted to rainwear, from past decades. What an amazing mackintosh world is there, in the past.
What has struck me is something Hugh talked about regarding the word macs or mackintoshes. I have noticed that in adverts, rainwear was mainly referred to as ‘macs’. In articles etc., they were mainly referred to as ‘mackintoshes’.
I really should put on a mackintosh next time I resume my reading.
Wonderful to see you post again Brian.
lock down has good points when at home all day spend good part of day in a mackintosh. as is my rule up till the end of may never go out unless have a mackintosh on
MaidJenny, your post is beautifully exciting-there is more than a possibility that you have an original plastic Pakamac from the 50s/60s. If so, we must share our experiences, with a possible view to meeting. I have not posted anything for some time, but please scroll down to see my earlier posts. I have sent you an e-mail, but am not sure whether or not you will receive it.
In these ridiculous times, wearing plastic, nylon and rubber macs are one of the few things that make absolute sense. I must try and renew my regular stream of posts. There are some wonderful people here-Susan, Beverley, to name but two. And such a rich variety of waterproof experiences, and rainwear "love stories". There is absolutely no end to the variations on the Pakamac theme. May this website long continue. Best wishes to everyone.
i am 77 when a boy had strange feelings about pakamacs boys thought macs of anykind were sissy so i would not wear one.yet in secret longed to wear one when teen but only grey for boys from early days love to see girls in pakamacs. now have my own collection got my yellow one on now curtsy beverly.
I have just found this site. My love of macs goes back a long way. I have gents macs for trips out, but I like to wear my ladies pink pvc u like on a night usually over my nightie. I am , curtsy from jenny
I have just found this site. My love of macs goes back a long way. I have gents macs for trips out, but I like to wear my ladies pink pvc u like on a night usually over my nightie. I am , curtsy from jenny
I am a 70 year old man, I have worn plastic macs for 10 year old. The first time I remember at ten my mum made me put on a pakamac, I felt an immediate stirring and cried and to this day I still love to wear one although you do tend to get strange looks when outside,
I’ve been spending a lot of lockdown time at home, looking through old copies of newspapers in the UK. I’m amazed to see the range of products Pakamac Ltd actually produced. Of course there are a lovely variety of raincoats and other coats, but also items like car covers, air beds, paddling pools, industrial sheeting. I was amazed to see that they also lent their name to a fridge.
I've just been reading how Pakamac Ltd were running a two day preview of their autumn rainwear at The Station Hotel in Aberdeen, for local retailers, on 19th and 20th June 1961. Presumably, they ran these all over the UK. Oh to have been a fly on the wall at one.
It makes me think just how long Pakamacs were around. The adverts go back to the 50s and I know from experience that they were still selling in Aberdeen in the 70s.
The trade announcement ran in the Aberdeen Evening Express on 16th June 1961.
Hi Susan it would be wonderful if someone was to put them pac a mac adds on to a DVD .
My information regarding the Pakamac films came from a newspaper archive of “The Stage and Television Today” from May 7 1959.
I wonder if the films survived?
I've just been reading about how Pakamac Ltd, in 1959, ran a national television campaign with 4 films (presumably adverts) running up to 7 times per day from 19th April that year for 10 weeks. Then, 15th to 27th June that year, was deemed to be Pakamac Fortnight when a special Pakamac Film would be shown.
How wonderful that must have been.
All is well. A knock on the door, first thing this morning, postie calls up, signs the item for me and leaves said item on the door step. No points for guessing what 'm wearing as I write.
You are probably right Susan, it has only been the one f its type recently on ebay. Navy blue, four buttons... the usual. I a large size.
P.s my new email is:
I’d love to hear more about your new Pakamac, Hugh. I think it may have been the one I was going to bid on but couldn’t be around as the auction was ending.
sun is out but going to shop soon will be wearing my navy nylon MACKINTOSH.Time home now working and resting in MACKINTOSHES.
Disappointed, this morning, with the Royal mail, whose driver chose to leave me a card, instructing me to go to the sorting office for the package which he should have left for me. He didn't even knock.
Anyway my latest ebay purchase, a navy blue nylon mackintosh, a Pakamac original, still in its packaging, will now have to be redelivered on Saturday. Thankfully, I have several other mackintoshes to keep me entertained'till the. Be nice to talk 'mackintosh' with any of you, and soon.
doing my house work this morning rustling in my navy blue nylon pakamac.
I am spending morning wearing my pink plastic mackintosh it is very long and shiny. the belt is tight the hood is up. sun is out just taken some pix in garden with mackintosh on curtsy to all Beverly.
what is in word. plastic mac pakamac mackintosh all depends on what you called it when first loved it . myself just love the word mackintosh. would love to hear a woman say i wear a plastic mac or pakamac. or love rainwear. however if the same women said i love to wear my plastic mackintosh and hood i would melt. Bev.