Fashion & Clothing > Mens & Ladies
Year: 1953
Item #: 1089
Source: Picture Post. May 16, 1953
Thank you Old Friend. Glad someone got my point. I, too, agree with you.
Hugh you are correct the word mackintosh is exciting far better than waterproof and when it's said by a lady is really is.
Thanks Hugh. Men's plastic Pakamacs are the same. People who know me will be aware that I've started buying men's plastic Pakamacs and like you say Hugh about nylon Pakamacs, some have pocket slits, some just pockets and some no pockets at all.
I just received delivery of a man's Quelrayn nylon mac and was delighted to see that it had pockets and a slit to reach inside the mac. It's an instant favourite.
Some do, Susan, others don't. Some even come without a pocket, just the opening and the outline of the pocket.
I have all the above!
Hi Susan I had one years ago from Army and Navy stores think the make was Empire but don't qout me.
Did men’s nylon Pakamacs have those pocket slits giving access inside to trouser pockets, like the plastic Pakamacs did? I’ve not noticed any on men’s nylon macs before.
Please don't be upset, but I so prefer the word Pakamac, for that was what I was brought up with, Pakamac plastic rainwear that is, and so would use the word Pakamac,or even mac, or raincoat, sorry.
I do, of course, have my tongue firmly in my cheeck when ask if you will join me in a movement to restore the use of the word 'mackintosh', when referring to any form of rainwear. I lament the loss of its use. I am not referring to Mackintosh the brand (with the upper case 'M') but rather, mackintosh' as a generic term for rainwear.
Or is it me that is obsessed with the word?
Hi Susan your macs on social media and are fantastic.
Susan, you are famous, and so you should be.
There's a ladies red 1960s Pakamac raincoat currently on sale on eBay that caught my attention because of the internal label. The coat is a "miss pakamac" raincoat. I didn't realise Pakamac used that label, a surprise to me because I use "miss pakamac" for my username for my Flickr account.
just got a lovely pink ankle length plastic mackintosh from e bay love it have on in the house every morning just do not want to take it off.
There are very few "mackintosh" wearers because there are very few manufacturers in business. I know of only about 3 in the UK such as Weathervain and Hamilton Classics and one other whose name escapes me.
So instead there are these people who wear thigh length, if you are lucky, garments so there are folks who have a "Wet Knee" fetish.
And I do not understand wet knees. LOL.
I don’t think that traditional nylon macs are available anymore, Frank. Apart from used ones on eBay and maybe the occasional unworn one, we may have witnessed the end of these lovely garments.
Just been out walking the dogs this morning in the rain so I wore my nylon rainmac. I was a bit disappointed that it had a slight leak on one of the seems. However, having just treated the mac with a waterproofing spray I am amazed with the results.....the mac is crisp again and with a silky finish !!!!
Excellent post by Susan but who in the UK sells nylon Macs these days
I have always said that a thin nylon pakamac can keep you warm Beverley. I know from experience of wearing them in all weathers, especially through the autumn, winter and spring. Maybe if they are older and have lost all proofing do they become less wind proof and sodden in heavy rain. Maybe it’s the lovely warm glow that I feel inside when I’m wearing one. I wouldn’t go out in anything else other than, of course, a plastic one.
Beverley be carefull you don't catch a chill😀😝😝
going to do house work this morning. so have on thin navy pakamac over undies.
tried to contact pakamac direct but can't get e mail to open. anyone can contact me on
I think rainwear enthusiasm is really coming into its own now, and I like to think that we lucky ones, who knew and wore the original Pakamacs, started it all. As always, best wishes to all our regulars.
I too so like wearing genuine Pakamac raincoats along with plastic pants, with conventional clothing of course, and have no problems about what others may think.
After all it is just a raincoat, albeit a rather nice one, and over many years no one has ever blinked an eye about my attire. So please do contact me if interested in my special liking for plastic.
Plastic Pakamac
At present i have on seethru blue plastic mackintosh with hood and belt. Later i will be out wearing nylon mackintosh for all outside time today.
now well into what i call mackintosh season. In season wear a mackintosh for all outdoor time. In house this morning doing my housework wearing my girdle knickers and petticoat under my thin navy blue pakamac . MMMM that shhrart noise from my pakamac as i move about.
Anyone living, or visiting the North Wales area, interested in a meet?
looks like set in for good ole wet day. any outdoor time today i will be wearing my navy nylon mackintosh even if rain stops and sun comes out. spending morning at home in cream c & a mackintosh.
Hican anyone tell me where I can buy a full length nylon Mac only rain jackets for sale man told me no demand for full length
I fail to see your frustration frankly, Frank. Where' your serious contribution to the discussion, then?
Hi I have been away for a while nothing much changed no serious talk about Macs just silly talk about wearing macs in the house give me strenthmp35q