Sights of London 1, 1935
Material kindly supplied by Brian Thurston.
Click any card below to view a larger version and to view text on rear.
1. Buckingham Palace
2. Trooping of the Colour
3. St. James's Palace
4. The Royal Wedding
5. Windsor Castle
6. Houses of Parliament
7. The House of Commons
8. The Bank of England
9. Changing of the Guard
10. Park Lane
11. Brompton Oratory
12. Peter Pan
13. Bow Bells
14. Cleopatra's Needle
15. New Scotland Yard
16. Westminster Cathedral
17. Royal Albert Hall
19. Royal Exchange
20. St. Clement Danes
22. Regent Street
23. Royal Courts of Justice
24. Rotten Row, Hyde Park
25. The Cenotaph
26. Downing Street
27. Crystal Palace
28. Somerset House
29. British Museum
31. The Guildhall
33. Trafalgar Square
34. Lambeth Palace
35. County Hall
36. St. Paul's
37. Hyde Park Corner
38. Tower of London
39. Derby Day
40. The Throne
41. Queen's Hall
42. Pool of London
43. Broadcasting House
44. Cabinet Room. No. 10
45. The Curiosity Shop
46. Wembley Stadium
47. Wimbledon
48. Trooping the Colour
49. The Silver Jubilee, 1935
50. The Silver Jubilee, 1935
51. The Silver Jubilee, 1935
52. The Silver Jubilee, 1935
53. The Silver Jubilee, 1935
54. The Silver Jubilee, 1935
55. The Silver Jubilee, 1935
56. The Silver Jubilee, 1935
57. The Silver Jubilee, 1935
58. The Silver Jubilee, 1935
59. The Silver Jubilee, 1935
60. The Silver Jubilee, 1935