Hesketh Fletcher Gym Team
Year: 1935
Item #: 1741
Source: G. Smith.
My Time at Secondary School Especially Year 2000-2002.
The First time I was Advised to go without a Shirt During PE, I was a little Bit confused. However After about 10 minutes, I was soon getting used to it.
When the Weather was Good we would end up Doing things such as Shirts Vs Skins.
Sometimes it was also Used as a Punnishment If you did not have the Correct kit also.
I remember one day though we Had cross Country and for some reason my mum forgot to give me my PE School top. I went and spoke to the PE teacher. He was like no, If you don't have a Top, You will have to do it as you are.
Got half way round the Cross country course which was really 1000 yards down the Road loop though the Park and back to the School again. Well it started to rain. That was a new experience all on its own.
At times I actually preferred doing PE without a Top. I feel ultimate freedom.
The other thing I can remember so well, It was Sports day and about 140 of us shipped off on two double decker buses to a big stadium. Very hot it was that day. We where all in PE Kit.
On the way back, I couldn't tolerate the Heat, Off came that PE top ha ha.
Teacher was not best happy about that as something to do with Downgrading the Image of the school.
A couple of years on from that. I remember it was Ridiculous how hot it was and remember moaning to my Mother about how hot it was. She just gave me the reply "Then Go and Take your Tee Shirt Off" I was like OK.
I went into the hallway like me? Without a Tee Shirt on? Honestly from that day on, It sort of awoken a Demon up within me.
I very rarely get the Chance now to go without a Top, I am much older now. But if I am out somewhere and in somewhere that's fairly quiet then I will absolutely take it off. Just to feel the Light breeze when it's quite warm. One of the best feelings there is.
Unless I am at the beach then I don't get much of a Chance now which is a shame. All the Shirtless memories of days gone by where amazing though.
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Point taken but Learners are the lower school so showers would be expected for the Middle school and upper years.
It is now time for Keir Starmer to commit to a UK wide ban on school showers from 1 September 2024.
Bridget Phillipson there is no point bringing in a crime of "extreme misogyny" unless you accept it is extreme Mysandry to force boys to shower in all UK schools.
https://www.allhallowssalford.com/parents/uniform/ ¨A note must be brought in to excuse any pupil from P.E. or shower".
All parents and Governors plus parent & teachers associations which allow this Mysandrist practice must be struck off.
To force a male pupil to shower nude or participate topless in a PE lesson must result in the school being put into special measures. Ofsted and OfQual can no longer be silent on this act of state sanctioned abuse.
PE Teachers and Headmasters must accept we now live in a modern multicultural world and the Papal power of catholic academies will be challenged.
The Prophet said, “Verily, Allah Almighty is forbearing, modest, and protective. He loves modesty and protection. Thus, if one of you washes himself, let him protect himself with a screen.”
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My Dando
Please read the third word of the second sentence of the following extract, which you transcribed correctly from the original source. Showers are NOT required.
A towel and a change of socks are needed for every PE/swimming session. Learners are not expected to shower after PE and games lessons.
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Colleagues we must use the 2024 general election to end the compulsory schools shower in all educational institutions. Nobody should be drafted into the armed forces or be forced to wear a sexist PE kit.
Here is such a school which needs to be mandated to change its ways. https://www.westhavenschool.org.uk/school-uniform-and-valuables/
PE Kit
House polo shirt
Black or navy shorts and/or track suit
White socks
Swimming trunks/costume
A towel and a change of socks are needed for every PE/swimming session. Learners are not expected to shower after PE and games lessons.
It is now clear we need a change of Government not a change of underwear. Mr Sunak there is a reason why both India and Ireland do not have a conscript army and only use professional soldiers. It is time you read your history on Ireland in both 1916 & 1918 plus India being the largest professional colonial army in World War 1 and 2.
Please use this election to call time on the dreaded school shower. Liberty for all not just the few.
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Ryan, at what age did that girl engage in such behavior with you? Did she ever mature out of it before you parted ways? Would she be subtle when she touched you or was she brazen about it? Did anyone else notice her behavior or comment on it?
You said you'd go onto the playground after PE, were you explicitly instructed to remain shirtless then?
Can you recall any particular examples of the cutting comments and teasing you mentioned?
Ryan you've got to remember that some of these girls will not have brothers at home so when they are at school in the PE lesson if they are sharing with boys who are bare chested then it is probably the first time some of them have ever actually seen a real life boy up close with a bare body like that.
Choosing to go the pool I think is a whole different scenario compared to being made to do a PE lesson by your teacher without your shirts on and if there is any girl involvement among boys like that at say 12 to 16 years old. I know because I was forced into those kind of situations at school a lot at that age in the early 90s where girls shared the school gym alongside boys such as myself who had to present ourselves for our teacher in gym shorts and shirtless. It may be nothing to some people but it can be a big deal to others. I wasn't at all keen or confident like that and overly weedy, even though it probably wasn't. I'm familiar with the arm fold thing that got a mention, yes, it's like a shield defending yourself in an uncomfortable position. There was a girl who had to hold onto me in PE and touched my bare nipple and made a bit of a thing about that in the playground after PE, so embarrassing and there were one or two other girls who liked passing teasing or cutting comments about how boys looked.
In reply to AS, although I never had a shared PE lesson with shirtless boys it was normal to see them at our local swimming pool etc. and none of them seemed to be bothered about their nipples being on show.
Whilst I can understand anyone ashamed of being overweight, how can anyone be ashamed of their nipples for goodness sake?
Was it their nipples they were ashamed of or their obesity?
What's the first thing a girl looks at on a shirtless boy?
A question to the female contributors to this discussion who shared PE lessons with shirtless boys.
Over the years there have been several comments from males complaining about being forced to show their nipples in PE, which apparently was a particularly bad experience when the session was shared with girls. A few even spoke of crossing their arms over their chests to hide their nipples, and one male recalled a female peer chuckling when he tried to cover himself so.
Did you or other girls ever talk about the boys' nipples, stare or tease them about it?
Get 'em young I say. Co-ed showering is a good start in life to help with all those silly problems that crop up later from some people about their bodies. Just look at the Burnley thread on this site and the amount of people fretting about school showers as more grown up teenagers for God's sake, and the amount of guys who didn't even like taking a top of for a bit in PE really surprises me. Nobody should have ever been bothered by any of these things in school. Your French growing up had it about right there.
In response to the post by Simon Steyn, I agree that in the UK big issues are made about nudity. Furthermore it is not only nudity but fashion. especially in means swimwear. Whereas i understand that in France and possibly other parts of Europe men wear swimming briefs(colloquially Speedos)in public in the UK this seems frowned upon and the wearing of such is limited to private swimming pools situated in Gyms.
I wonder if boys in French schools get so worked up about the same things boys in UK schools seem to, like having to go shirtless or shower.
I grew up in a small town Saint-Savin just outside of Poitiers in western France in the 1970s before coming to UK where I have a British husband. Back in those days at home in France as a young child boys and girls would share everything together. In France children were asked to take a short shower at young ages and boys and girls shared this at the start of school. This is maybe why my home country has a reputation for being very relaxed about nudity compared to UK where big issues are made of it.
I suffered from there being more than one Chris for a time, hence my simple alternative. Seems to work
David W Wow... that's not very nice is it? There's also nothing even remotely amusing about my name either.
Barry, thank you. The boys usually did their own thing but in the summer term each year group played a couple games of rounders, one against the girls the other a mixed team against the teachers. As it was PE kits the boys played bare chests. The gym was essentially a goldfish bowl with large reinforced windows nearly running the length of both sides so it.was easy for anyone to look and see boys exercising.
Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 2!
Line spoken by Queen Gertrude:
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks".
Not a game at all, just an English Literature test
I agree with Mark J. There are a few Mark's and David's about on this site so I use my surname initial like quite a lot of others do to set us apart if we don't wish to place a full name publicly. It's not hard to do.
But considering Tanya is not the commonest name going and that it followed a strange joke name prefixed Queen, I strongly suspect someone here is playing games.
Look at the name on 5th November from "Catherine Weighell" which is obviously meant to say Catherine Wheel which is how you say that surname.
You're very welcome to post here, Tanya (Markham)! I wondered whether you actually shared the gym with the boys at your school?
At my school boys and girls mostly did PE separately but there were occasions when we were all in the gym together.
Boys' PE kit was shorts and bare chest and it was clear many of the girls definitely enjoyed that aspect of shared lessons!
Comment by: Tanya on 9th November 2023 at 21:51
I'm a Tanya too and yes it's my real name. My surname is Markham. Surely I can post using my own name??!.
Then may I suggest you used a bit of common sense and used your surname or it's initial, or something else after it to differentiate yourself from the Tanya that you must have noticed had already posted on here and has done lots on other parts of this site.
I'm a Tanya too and yes it's my real name. My surname is Markham. Surely I can post using my own name??!.
CF Hamlet, III, 2 for context
Nobody's name is unique, even on this thread!
Comment by: Tanya on 9th November 2023 at 13:19
Why have you written your comment using my name please?
Use your own name and stop that now.
I can understand your sister teasing you about sleeping topless, but girls are often like that. More seriously, did your parents have anything serious to say on the subject?
I've posted here recently about how, due to a misunderstanding on the part of my well-meaning Mum, about how I went from sleeping in PJ top and vest to fully topless one hot summer. The follow up to this is that when I went away to boarding school some 5 years later, reluctantly equipped with the regulation 3 pairs of PJs specified on the boarders clothing list, I found that everyone in my dormitory, without exception, wore shorts, or even less, to sleep in.
Pat, The photo wouldn't have the same effect of those boys were in vests, in my eyes it would have looked odd.
Schools should at least give them a chance to decide for themselves if they want to exercise bare chested indoors. Feminism really has gone too far.stopping boys being boys. I enjoyed seeing boys show their bare chests in the school gym and I'll bet I wasn't alone
I would think the majority of guys over the age of 18 sleep shirtless don't they?
Unsure what that percentage might be at various ages under 18 but in my case I was not encouraged to sleep like that and didn't do so until late teens.
When you've already got a sheet and four blankets over you, as I did in those days, or a high tog duvet as I now do, why do you need to wear anything on top in a bed. Although my wife thinks sleeping naked is not hygienic.
These latest posts on nightwear are really interesting! In my own case, I only started sleeping shirtless in just a pair of shorts when I was an older teen, perhaps fifteen or even sixteen. We used to do PE without shirts at school for various activities so I was well used to the idea by then but somehow it never occured to me to go bare top to sleep, even during the warmer months. It was actually my older sister who finally caused me to make the switch. On one ofthose warm evenings when our parents were away I complained about the heat and so she suggested I take my top off to sleep. I was a bit caught offguard I suppose,by the idea of my own sister asking me to get my top off! But after some teasing I did try it that very night and was much more comfortable. I have rarely slept with a top since. I don't recall my parents or younger sister making any comments when they would catch a glimpse of me shirtless in my room but older sis was always ready with a snide comment or amused looks. I suppose that's how some siblings are!
The uniform of a bare chest is far superior for boys in PE to wasting time with tee-shirts.
The boys above look better without than if they had tee-shirts of vests on don't they?
When working out in PE it's good to see the actual body doing its work.