House & Home

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Photos 1 - 9 of 9
'Grandmother Lancashire'

'Grandmother Lancashire'
House & Home - Chores

Grandmother Eliza Ridgeway, 92 years old from the Bacup area, cleaning a rug in shawl and pinny.

Views: 18,231    Year: 1956     5 Comments

Living Room

Living Room
House & Home - Family Life

A typical living room of the early 1950s.

Views: 22,014    Year: 1951     6 Comments

Home Life Away From Home

Home Life Away From Home
House & Home - Family Life

Radio, fireside, and the cheerful company of Mary and Joan Harris help George Dalton of Middlesborough to feel that life is still pleasant. Taken from an article about War-blinded men who passed through St. Dunstan's Training Centre, Church Stretton.

Views: 16,255    Year: 1946     1 Comment

A Lady Cleans Her Doorstep

A Lady Cleans Her Doorstep
House & Home - Chores

In Wake Street, just off Lambeth Walk. Some of the householders wash not only their front doorsteps, but a large slice of the pavement, too. It's a regular North Country custom, but among London smoke and dirt it seems a strangely noble act. Taken from 'Life in the Lambeth Walk' Article.

Views: 26,893    Year: 1938     9 Comments

Washing-day in the Backyards

Washing-day in the Backyards
House & Home - Chores

'Especially if you've a big family it's hard to do the wash properly. We could all do with a bit more room.' Taken from 'Life in the Lambeth Walk' Article.

Views: 11,172    Year: 1938     1 Comment

Eleven o'Clock Cocoa in Mrs. Barber's Home

Eleven o'Clock Cocoa in Mrs. Barber's Home
House & Home - Family Life

Mrs. Barber lives in Lollard Street, off Lambeth Walk. Left is Mrs. Barber's 88-year-old father, who sells straw-bags in Lambeth Walk on Fridays and Saturdays, if fine. Right is her daughter. A cup of cocoa is their morning custom.

Views: 13,183    Year: 1938     2 Comments

Slum Dwellings

Slum Dwellings
House & Home - Slums

Slum housing in Camberwell. Taken from a book by Wal Hannington.

Views: 13,597    Year: 1935     1 Comment

Where They Live and Play

Where They Live and Play
House & Home - Slums

Slum housing. Taken from a book by Wal Hannington.

Views: 9,011    Year: 1935

Slums in Canning Town

Slums in Canning Town
House & Home - Slums

Slum housing in Canning Town. Taken from a book by Wal Hannington.

Views: 13,011    Year: 1935     1 Comment