
Photos 1 - 7 of 7
Clitheroe Royal Grammar School

Clitheroe Royal Grammar School
Childhood - Schools

The wonders of nature are probed during a lesson in flower-dissecting, under the guiding eye of Mr. Eric Pearson (Biology master).

Views: 28,263    Year: 1959     6 Comments

Clitheroe Royal Grammar School

Clitheroe Royal Grammar School
Childhood - Schools

Led by Stuart Bennett (Captain), right, the cross-country team returns from a practice run around the nearby country-side.

Views: 443,432    Year: 1959     1486 Comments

Burnley Grammar School

Burnley Grammar School
Childhood - Schools

Engineers of tomorrow, under the eye of Mr. J. H. Morton (Metal Work instructor), use a micrometer on a lathe. From left, David Riley, David Yanik and Colin Chapman.

Views: 31,004    Year: 1959     13 Comments

Burnley Grammar School

Burnley Grammar School
Childhood - Schools

There's pleny of room in the modern-styled gymnasium for muscle developing, where the boys are supervised by Mr. R. Parry, the physical education instruction.

Views: 1,474,646    Year: 1959     6799 Comments

Fulwood County Secondary School

Fulwood County Secondary School
Childhood - Schools

Instruction from the expert, Miss Hilary Peet, physical education mistress, who plays netball for Lancashire and who is also a member of the County swimming team.

Views: 114,016    Year: 1958     276 Comments

Fleetwood Grammar School

Fleetwood Grammar School
Childhood - Schools

In the bright and cheery domestic science room, the girls are taught the art of cooking and other kitchen "chores" by Miss P. Green (third from right).

Views: 26,980    Year: 1958     7 Comments

Hesketh Fletcher Gym Team

Hesketh Fletcher Gym Team
Childhood - Schools

Hesketh Fletcher Gym Team of Atherton, Greater Manchester.

Views: 359,256    Year: 1935     1134 Comments