House & Home
'Grandmother Lancashire'
House & Home - Chores
Grandmother Eliza Ridgeway, 92 years old from the Bacup area, cleaning a rug in shawl and pinny.
Views: 18,656 Year: 1956 5 Comments
A Lady Cleans Her Doorstep
House & Home - Chores
In Wake Street, just off Lambeth Walk. Some of the householders wash not only their front doorsteps, but a large slice of the pavement, too. It's a regular North Country custom, but among London smoke and dirt it seems a strangely noble act. Taken from 'Life in the Lambeth Walk' Article.
Views: 27,575 Year: 1938 9 Comments
Washing-day in the Backyards
House & Home - Chores
'Especially if you've a big family it's hard to do the wash properly. We could all do with a bit more room.' Taken from 'Life in the Lambeth Walk' Article.
Views: 11,462 Year: 1938 1 Comment