Old Photos
Old Photos
Society & Culture
Photos 1 - 2 of 2
Supper in a Hot Pie and Stewed Eel Saloon
Society & Culture - Cafes, Saloons etc
Distinguishing feature of the Lambeth Walk are the eel and pie saloons, where you can get hot soup, hot pies and parsley sauce, or stewed eels and mashed at a penny, twopence or threepence. Often the whole family is taken.
Views: 14,353 Year: 1938 2 Comments
'..Something that Fills You, and after all That's the Chief Thing'
Society & Culture - Cafes, Saloons etc
Dieticians would gasp at the sight of small children polishing off large bowls of potato. But the eel-pie saloons supply a need for somthing hot and filling that is also cheap. Taken from 'Life in the Lambeth Walk' Article.
Views: 11,478 Year: 1938